Hau x Reader: Frozen City

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Hau wrapped his arms around himself as he saw the soft, gray breath come out of him. He wore so many jackets and winter clothing that he was a walking Cottonee. Unovian weather was surely much different than what he was used to in Alola, the tropical weather that never changed. He laughed at the thought of the weather even going below 50 degrees, that was until he was convinced to spend the holidays in Unova. Which was certainly a popular tourist destination in December, his girlfriend recommended the trip and sternly told him to bring winter clothing for the trip. Hau instead brought all his normal Alolan clothing, when he first arrived in Castelia City with only his usual black t-shirt and cargo shorts with sandals the citizens were shocked in the fact that this man was wearing summer clothing in 20 degree Castelian weather rather than the fact that he was a well-respected Island Kahuna in Alola. 

That day he also bought out the entire mens winter section in Castelia City while he was gently scolded by his girlfriend for not bringing adequate clothing for the winter. 

"Hau, are you sure this will all fit in your suitcase? You only needed a jacket..." (Y/N) told him as she carried 2 bags of winter clothing in each arm while Hau waddled his way around Castelia City. He stopped and turned to (Y/N) and cupped the warm cheeks of his lover that he adored greatly. He gave (Y/N) his signature smile and nodded. 

"It's freezing here in Unova..." He replied taking his hands off (Y/N)'s cheeks. "It's much nicer in Alola, why couldn't we spend Christmas there?" He mumbled as he crossed his arms across his chest.

(Y/N) grinned and played with the little puff that hung loosely of the string of her winter hat. "What?" (Y/N) asked Hau with a mocking tone that caused Hau's cheeks to heat up instantly. "My big, strong Kahuna is afraid of a little snow?" (Y/N) told him as she clicked her tongue multiple times just to spite him. 

"I'm not afraid of snow..." Hau replied, his voice cracking every so often because he was shivering so much. "Just, why here? Couldn't we have spent the holidays in warm, sunny Alola eating Malasadas with Sun, Moon, Gladion, and Lillie?" Hau complained as (Y/N) shook her head in response as they crossed the frozen Castelia street, busy and bustling with holiday activity. 

"C'mon Hau." (Y/N) chided "Castelia City has some amazing Christmas traditions. Just tough it out."

Hau puffed his cheeks and nodded while he raised a fist in the air. "YOU DON'T HURT ME SNOW, I'VE BEEN THROUGH WORSE GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT."

(Y/N) grabbed his arm and dragged him away as the citizens turned to stare at the commotion that Hau was making and (Y/N) hid her face with her mitten-covered hands. "Hau..." She mumbled. "When I said 'tough it out' I didn't mean that." she replied with a warm face. 

"Oh... My bad (Y/N)..." Hau replied while he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck in response. "So what do you do in this Winter Wonderland?" Hau asked and (Y/N)'s smile brightened up as she clapped her hands together and she turned to look at him with a playful grin. 

"What do you think about ice skating Hau?" (Y/N) told him as she looked down her map. "It's right near here in Central Plaza!" 

Hau chuckled and nodded in response. "I've never ice skated before, but I know how to roller skate." He said wrapping his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and he affectionately kissed her cheeks. "So if you need my expert advice, just hold my hand." He replied giving her a wink. 


"Just come over here~"

"NEVER! WHO WERE THE PEOPLE WHO THOUGHT OF THIS ABOMINATION?!" Hau yelled as he held the railings that surrounded the ice rink for dear life while (Y/N) and his Incineroar were nervously reassuring him that things will be alright. 

"Don't be so scared Hau, just hold my hand." (Y/N) told him as she extended her hand out to him while Hau had a waterfall stream of tears falling down his face and he sniffled. 

"You promise that you won't let me fall?" He asked as he took both of (Y/N)'s hands. She wiped his tears in return with a laugh and she playfully rolled her eyes as she wiped his tears away. 

"I promise Hau." She told him. "I won't let you fall..." She said as the two made their way to the middle of the rink. "Too badly at least." she added while Hau immediately turned to her and raised an eyebrow.


"Nothing~" She laughed. 

The two skated happily for what seemed minutes to them, was simply hours if compared to real time. Every so often Hau would gain the confidence to skate by himself before he would chicken out in the very last moment. 

"(Y/N)! I want to skate by myself!" Hau told her while (Y/N) raised a skeptical eyebrow while Hau puffed his cheeks in response. "I'm not going to chicken out this time (Y/N), promise."

(Y/N) gave him a light hearted laugh and she nodded. "Alright Hau." She told him. "I'll let go."

(Y/N) finally let go of Hau's hand and let him skate freely throughout the rink, well it worked for a minute or two. "(Y/N) HOW DO I STOP?!"


She closed her eyes and she heard a loud crashing noise followed by a "Never mind" groan that she was sure was coming from an injured Hau. (Y/N) skated towards him and she looked at Hau with concern. 

"Oh my goodness Hau, are you okay?!"

"I'm fine-"

"No you're not, you probably have bruises or broke your leg... I'M A TERRIBLE GIRL-"

Hau laughed in response and gave his girlfriend his signature reassuring smile. "(Y/N), calm down. I'm fine, my legs are fine. It's just a bruise, it isn't too bad." He told her in a surprisingly calm voice. "After all, I'm your big, strong Kahuna. Am I not?"

"Well..." (Y/N) sniffled. "You were just crying about the thought of ice skating-"

"Sh... Sh... Sh..." Hau said hanging on the railing of the ice rink. "We don't talk about that, that was a long time ago."

"But that was less than-"

"WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT." Hau said crossing his arms with a warm cheeks. "Anyways can we go do... I don't know, something less emotionally traumatizing?" He asked. 

"Well, I do know one thing."

Hours later, Hau and (Y/N) walked back to their hotel room to cocoon themselves in blankets to look like a Swadloon as they watched the Castelia City lights illuminate the city like little stars while many people gathered to see the lighting of the tree in front of their hotel as a annual tradition. Luckily the two have an amazing view from their hotel room that they didn't have to go outside in the cold.

"See, this is still just as good." Hau said sipping his hot chocolate as he leaned over and nuzzled (Y/N) and gave her a small Eskimo kiss. 

"I suppose you're right, this was all worth it to come Castelia City. No?"

"Of course!" Hau chirped. "Now I see why you like Castelia City so much... Still cold." Hau muttered. 

"Don't worry, maybe I'll bring you during the summer Hau."

"Doesn't matter, not matter where we are I will still love you (Y/N)" He said sipping his cocoa and resting his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder before closing his eyes. (Y/N) simply giggled and set her cup in front of her and she gently stroked his long hair. 

"I love you too Hau." With that, Hau smiled all throughout the night. 

Authors Note: I promised myself that I'd update this book before the end of this year, anyone proud?! No? Well it was a short and bad chapter anyways.. Hahah, sorry... Anyways, thank you so much for the support you guys give to this book, it really means so much to me. It's the best Christmas present ever! To all my readers, have a happy holidays! Be close with friends and family and be happy! I love you all to pieces!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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