Red x reader 'why?'

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After you defeated the Kanto Champion, he gave you Mewtwo's pokeball....well not gave to you by hand you see he left the pokeball in the place he stood with a note that only said.
Dear (Y/N),
take good care of Mewtwo,I know you will.
You wanted to bid your farewells to the former Kanto champion,but he was nowhere to be found you saw his picture in the hall of fame,him and all of his Pokémon and next to him was you and your entire team that made this possible.
"Congrats you're champion now what are you going to do?" Misaki asked curiously, (Y/N) turned to face her best friend that traveled all around Kanto with (Y/N),she sighed (Y/N) didn't want him to leave for some reason she wanted him to stay. Of course the only reason you ever liked him is because you forced him to be his best friend after Green and Red got into a fight when you were little,that's the only reason you went to collect gym badges the only Gym Leader that gave you problems to defeat though was Red's former rival and past Kanto champion, Green Oak.
"I don't know actually, I guess I wanted to see my old friend again....I guess he didn't remember..." (Y/N) said,Red was always something he always gave her a look of apathy towards her as if he was bored without even talking to her,and he would from time to time say his usual 2 word sentence rarely even more.
"C'mon don't get yourself brought down,YOU'RE THE KANTO CHAMP! PARTY AT BLUE'S TONIGHT!" Misaki yelled,causing (Y/N) to flinch at the sudden change of tone.
2 years later
After 2 years of being undefeated, (Y/N) retired because it was boring not being able to challenge the people you wanted to challenge. You went on a hunt for Red who went missing 2 years ago after (Y/N) defeated him and left Mewtwo where he stood,after 2 weeks of failed attempts to be any information about Red,there was a glimmer of hope.... And that guy's name is Ethan which he rather be called Gold.
"Hey you're the retired Kanto champion... (Y/N) right?" Gold asked a smug smile in his face,and his eyes glittered in amazement and affection towards you.
"Yeah,hey do you have any information about Red? People in New Bark Town said that you'll help me" (Y/N) eagerly asked,Gold nodded Typhlosion's neck ignited with bright red and orange flames.
"Okay if you want to see Red that's useless,he's located at the top of Mt.Silver the Pokémon admin will only let you battle him if you have the Kanto badges...." You cut Gold off right there
"Kanto badges? Well that's easy enough!" (Y/N) smiled,Gold facepalmed himself and muttered something under his breath.
"....and the Jhoto gyms combined" Gold added,making (Y/N)'s cheeks burn in embarrassment
"Hey is that (Y/S/P)?!" Gold asked,looking at your Kanto starter "wow don't see much of them in Jhoto" he later then took out his pokegear and took a picture with you by surprise.
"Yeah! Took a picture with the retired Kanto champion! And her starter Pokémon!" Gold celebrated walking down the road of New Bark Town,(Y/N) sweatdropped and thought about the important things he actually said to help you.
He's training at Mt.Silver
Pokémon admin won't let you see him unless you have both Kanto and Jhoto badges combined!
(Y/N) looked at (Y/S/P) who stood by loyally by it's trainer's side.
"We're going on another adventure buddy" (Y/N) said smiling,dedicated to find Red no matter what the cost.
After nearly a year of trying she finally did she collected both Kanto and Jhoto gym badges and she was climbing on the top of Mt.Silver. though you didn't have any idea how he survived the cold conditions,maybe Charizard helped him a bit...but you were nervous. Nervous enough that Red would even want to see the girl who defeated him in a Pokémon battle,maybe this is why he ran away to Mt.Silver in the Jhoto region. Your legs were about to give out climbing this frozen wasteland of a mountain with (Y/S/P) (who reluctantantly agreed to stay with you despite the harsh arctic mountain you two were climbing) your legs gave out and in the top of this mountain stood a black silhouette figure,looked to have the same build as Red before he left,his jet black hair messed up from the strong breeze of ice. It had to be him,you stood up weakly but your (E/C) eyes sparking with the same amount of dedication that you possessed every time you had a Pokémon battle.
After Arceus knows how long you've been battling,he's gotten stronger all your Pokémon were dragged along the mountain like ragdolls your eyes still kept sparking of pure dedication,that's what Red loved about you (Y/N)'s dedication and will to never give up,the close bond she has with her Pokémon,and all the losses incurred from other encountered trainers you used that as fuel to get yourself stronger,you're extremely beautiful in his eyes a beautiful talented Pokémon trainer now that was hard to come by!
'I'm not going to give up yet' (Y/N)'s head voice called out to her 'I've come this far,now if Red wants a battle he'll get one alright' sparking her dedication,she took out her last Pokémon Red was ahead by 3 Pokémon but you had a good feeling about your (Y/S/P) your heart fluttured though dedication stayed nagging you constantly.
"(Y/S/P) LET'S SHOW RED WHAT WE'RE MADE OF!" (Y/N) yelled,throwing (Y/S/P) out in the battlefield it let out a roar of excitement just like it's trainer.
"Charizard" Red simply said,despite his sudden change in heart beat narrowing his blood red eyes at not only Charizard but (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes that clearly talked for it's self.
'She's clearly not going down without a fight' Red thought,saying each command with caution and his Pokémon obediently following the instructions of their trainer.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief if it wasn't for (Y/S/P)'s tackle impacting Red's Pikachu causing him to faint he would successfully knocked out (Y/S/P) with one last Volt Tackle,Red didn't say anything he just scooped up Pikachu in his arms and let him rest in his pokeball,bruises were noticeable but minor. (Y/N)'s fists clenched to a tight fist and anger took over her
"good match" Red said,through the darkness of the cave that tempted her to follow him but curiosity got the best of her and followed Red inside a spacious cave with surprising warmth and a waterfall not too far away.
"Well?" (Y/N) asked,crossing her arms making Red wonder why you're so mad but as if he was stalling he pulled you to a tight embrace and kissed you on the lips causing your face to heat up.
"I missed you (Y/N)" Red admitted,blood red eyes in seriousness facing (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes who looked flustered right about now.
((YAY! ANOTHER RED X READER I LOVE RED SO MUCH! and I just found out we're both Leo's he was born in August 8th while I was born on the 20th xD stalker much or not? ANYWAYS THIS WAS REQUESTED BY SymRoxJox SHE'S MY BESTIE IN REAL LIFE,AND SOCIAL LIFE and you know the drill but for new Story Rebel's recruits it's leave a request (I'm glad to do 'em) and if you like the one shot hit that little star on the center of the screen next up as I'm proud to say is an N x reader goodbye and have a great day :)

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