3. Ash Ketchum x reader 'Aura users'

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((Before we start one (Y/S/P) = is your starter Pokémon ,Kay?
Y/N)'s POV
"Ash Ketchup hurry up!" I yelled, Ash sighed and panted.
"(Y/N)! Seriously who gave you coffee again?! And it's Ketchum not Ketchup!!" Ash yelled,Pikachu nearly dizzy from his shoulder from the entire ride over here.
"Oh I was bothering Daisy earlier,so she said that if she bought me coffee I'd leave her alone,so we went to a cafe and now I'M SUPER HYPER!" I yelled jumping all over the place,we just returned from the Kalos region where Ash came in second place (don't mention it) I guess I decided to follow him to the Kanto region back home to Pallet Town,since I have a Espeon with the move teleport ready I have no idea still why I decided to follow Ash around.
"Remind me to kill Daisy next time I see her" Ash mumbled under his breath,going to the trail of the path to Pallet Town, Me being from Shalour City you're ecstatic to go to somewhere that isn't Kalos! Especially as far away as Kanto!
"P-please give me back my Pokémon" I heard a little kid cry,curious I ran over with curiosity
"Ha! This is all you got! A weak Magikarp,dang kid you're hilarious!" The black suited man smirked holding two pokeballs at hand "and a weak Nidoran! Oh well at least I can get decent money for Nidoran since it's a female." The Black suited man his suit had a huge red R symbol in the front.
"Hey you!" I yelled the two people turned to face me one a middle aged man with a I suppose a Team region outfit kind of like Team Flare,and a 5 year old boy. Seriously I've seen some pretty bad stuff,but stealing from a 5 year old?! Now that's a problem!
"Hey kid run off before you Pokémon gets taken away and you wouldn't want that would you!" The R man yelled,I saw tears form in the eyes of the little 5 year old I took out (Y/S/P)'s pokeball out (not realizing it's an empty pokeball),my partner is going to help me defeat this heartless man!
"Arbok let's make her regret she ever decided to mess with us! Arbok poison tail!" The grunt yelled throwing his pokeball in the battlefield.
"Charrrrbok!" Arbok hissed
"(Y/S/P)....." I feel around our pokeball belt,shoot I LEFT (Y/S/P) WITH ASH AND PIKACHU!!!!
"tch...tch...tch you don't have any Pokémon hmm little kid?" The suited man cruelly smiled,I squeaked in response.
'Where's Ash and Pikachu when you need em?!'' I panicked seriously regretting the choice to actually be the hero of the day,that is until at least like 8 other grunts showed up,and one who seems to be the leader,how do I know this? because he stands out from all the grunts kind of like Lysandre and Team Flare,and he has a strange cat-like Pokémon with a red jewel in it's forehead following that guy around.
General POV
"Where's (Y/N) I told her not turn run off like that! Like a million times!" Ash complained to Pikachu and (Y/S/P) who perched from Ash's shoulders,then (Y/S/P)'s head raised in the air the bond that (Y/N) and (Y/S/P) is extremely powerful,so (Y/S/P) knows when (Y/N) gets into trouble or not. (Y/S/P) started flipping out and pointing to the direction where (Y/N) is.
"What's wrong (Y/S/P)?" Ash asked
"Pikachu Pika Pi?" Ash's Pikachu asked (Y/S/P),it flipped out and told Pikachu about it's concern for it's trainer.
"Is (Y/N) in trouble?" Ash asked Pikachu and (Y/S/P),they nodded in fear Ash panicked and got an idea he clasped his hands together and tried to sense (Y/N)'s aura,that's the one thing Ash memorized by heart,your Aura since you have a powerful aura but have undeveloped your powers Ash decided to teach you (once you actually believed him -_-)

"So you have the gift of aura as well then (Y/N)" Giovanni smirked evilly his goal is to recruit every people with the gift of Aura like him so he's been targeting Ash for some time,and you as one of his recent person added in his hit list.
"Gift of what?!" (Y/N) yelled a vein appearing in her forehead her body glowing (your favorite color, since it's the color of your aura)
"Nidoqueen......" A grunt commanded until Giovanni stopped him.
"Shhh we must see what's she capable of first, Persian power gem." Giovanni told the grunt,the 5 year old boy's eyes widened in shock and anticipation. (seriously who gets to see this everyday!!)
"Purrrrrrrssian" Persian purred happily as his gem glowed,and a ray of red light came out straight to hit (Y/N),since your powers are undeveloped you're in serious trouble! You screamed ready for the worst you hear an explosion but nothing happened, guess who saved you? Yep the one and only Ash Ketchum. A wall of blue surrounded you two protecting you,you could feel a light blush dust to your (s/c) colored cheeks,let's just say you had liked .
"Ash what's going on?!" (Y/N) demanded taking her (Y/S/P) off his shoulder.
"Well can I explain you this later (Y/N)" Ash said struggling to keep the barrier,(Y/N) got mad and confused you want to know the answer,you want to know why you're glowing (Y/F/C,means your favorite color) .
"No Ash tell me now!" (Y/N) yelled,Pikachu stared at you,you rarely ever raise your voice even (Y/S/P) knows this!
"Okay! You want me to tell you! You have inherited the gift of Aura by one of your parents so you have the ability to sense and manipulate Aura,like me" Ash admitted,feeling sorry that he's kept this secret from you since you two met,but honestly Ash wanted to protect you because he likes you more than a best friend but he doesn't confess to you because he's unsure that you like him back,Pikachu knows this and (Y/S/P) too (Pikachu told your (Y/S/P) on accident and now (Y/S/P) has sworn to secrecy xD)
"And you expect me to believe this how?!" (Y/N) yelled,Ash sighed it's the most obvious thing ever your body is glowing (Y/F/C).
"You can choose to believe me or not but that's the truth (Y/N)" Ash said,the barrier broke Ash fell to the ground weak,the barrier took all of his remaining energy.
"Pika Pi?!" Pikachu said running over to his extremely tired trainer,you stared at Giovanni and his Persian evily.
"Join us (Y/N) and I'll teach you to use your aura unlike this weakling" Giovanni said,Persian purred against his trainer's leg.
"Never in a million years will I ever do that Giovanni you monster!" (Y/N) yelled,clasping both hands together a (Y/F/C) ball of energy appeared beyond average power,so powerful that it caused all the grunts to run away in fear,Giovanni clasped his hands together and a dark blue ball of energy appeared less powerful then yours,when you both released your Aura spheres the two balls of energy collided you hugged the 5 year old kid to protect him from the collision,when the dust cleared his two pokeballs were on the floor,and Giovanni and Team Rocket dissapeared.
"Ash! Please Ash wake up!" (Y/N) cried softly in his chest "Ash I love you too much" you cried softly then you felt someone's hands going through your hair,you expect it to be the 5 year old but you look around.
'He's gone?!'
You look at Ash who his fingers went through your (h/c) hair,you turned so red that you would put tomatoes to shame.
"H-how much did you hear?!" (Y/N) panicked,(Y/S/P) perched on her shoulder both Pikachu and your starter Pokémon snickering behind your back's.
"Oh nothing just all of it" Ash smirked,your face felt like it was on fire absolute fire Ash leaned himself closer to you and closed the gap of space between you,and gently kissed you on the lips.
"A-Ash I...." (Y/N) panicked and returned this kiss "I love you,AND DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" (Y/N) yelled and slap him in the cheek,Pikachu and (Y/S/P) snickered even harder.
"Ow?!" Ash laughed and rubbed his cheek that you slapped him in, the slap didn't hurt since you're well,not really strong let's put it there.
((This is dedicated to How_To_Rock_Books she suggested it and I had so much fun writing another love story between trainers next is Black x reader! So stay anticipated for this,BTW HAPPY SPRING BREAK!

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