Ruby x reader-chan!

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((Two updates in a row?! Heck yeah! No one can stop me now!
Chibi: you're a terrible author
Me: ;-; why would you say that?
Me: >:-( you little..... Now back to the update!))
You've given up on Pokémon training,you discouraged yourself from hearing about your childhood friends Ruby,Sapphire, and Emerald constantly have an awesome adventure without you usually in the newspapers. You couldn't be a coordinator, what's the point? You couldn't even beat the Hoenn Princess Sapphire. And a breeder you weren't like Emerald which Pokémon just love him instantly,it's more like a hit and run for you,for some reason Pokémon just hate you in first sight. Looking at the bold ink in the newspapers
Hoenn Dexholders Sapphire,Emerald,and Ruby sends off Team Aqua from Rustboro City
Just a few hours ago, Team Aqua members surrounded the Rustboro City gym demanding the gym leader,Roxanne to give over her Pokémon. Ruby,Emerald,and Sapphire battled valiantly against the members of this infamous team......
(Y/N)'s POV
I couldn't look anymore I flipped the newspaper page hoping to find some funny punny jokes which would make my day,or a weird comic which would make no sense at all that's all I needed just to put a smile on my face,my only major accomplishment is catching the legendary Pokémon Suicune and yet I'm discouraged to follow my dreams.
A few years ago back in the Rustboro city school/gym
"C'mon Ruby,Saph,Rald it'll be fun!" I begged,the three looked at each other hastily and probably a little more hostile
"(Y/N)-chan are you sure about this? What if we get caught by Roxanne?" Ruby asked,a light shade of pink tinted in his cheeks the nervous child fiddled with his fingers as he refused to go with me,and Sapphire who agreed to come with me.
"C'mon Ruby,Emerald don't be such a party pooper and come on!" Sapphire said,my's (E/C) orbs met with Ruby's .....well ruby orbs. As he and Emerald nervously agreed to go.
"That's the spirit specifically are we going to get out (Y/N)?" Sapphire asked,
I had an idea it's stupid but it's an idea.
"Hmm..I snuck this Pokémon out of my house" I explained letting my fingers get lost in my pockets until I found a plastic like sphere feel in my fingertips,I took it out with a pokeball barely the size of my finger nail expand into the size of my palm.
"It's supposed to be an Alakazam with the move Teleport daddy caught a while back,so we'll teleport out of here,I'm pretty sure Roxanne won't notice" I whispered,they smiled in satisfaction this crazy scheme of ours to sneak out into the woods might just work.
"Hey kids hand over your Pokémon!" The Team Magma grunt yelled,we all held our pokeballs close at hand as the Team Magma grunt's Pokémon, I believe to be a Mightyena. But still we have the pokeballs Roxanne let us borrow,other than Alakazam and a hyper Skitty I'm pretty sure this is going to and badly.
"No!" We refused,Ruby stepped in for all of us and took out the Pokémon he randomly chose out of a box by the orders of Roxanne I wonder what he has under his sleeve?
"I'll challenge you, I'll challenge for all of them" Ruby insisted,the grunt let out an evil laugh causing me,Sapphire,and Emerald squirm in our own shoes my eyes widened in shock at the sudden change of bravery.
'What happened to the scared little child we called Ruby?' I wondered, holding my heart in his hands is Ruby but what's the chances he likes me back?
After that me,Sapphire,Ruby,and Emerald just stopped talking and went our seprate ways after getting our starter Pokémon from Professor Birch,or Sapphire's dad.
I slurped my vanilla bean crème frappuchino constantly looking at the green plastic straw,in the Starbucks café in Mauville City, (Y/S/P) constantly rubbing it's head against my leg if I have any Pokémon, which I have about 4 it was probably because Arceus felt sorry for my constant attempts to catch a Pokémon, almost all of them ending in a constant failure.
"(Y/N)-Chan?" I heard a familiar call out for me,I turned my back forcing myself to face Ruby I couldn't believe it,he's gotten taller,handsomer since I last saw that shy little child back in Pokeschool,me I've just gotten...taller.
"R-Ruby?!" I self consciously said,man if Ruby was going to be in the same city as me the least he could do is give me some warning? "W-what are you doing here?!" I asked,dusting off my outfit real quick.
"Well I came here to participate in the Contest here,what are you doing here?" Ruby asked,well me I'm just here for no particular reason thank you very much.
"I visited some family" I lied,feeling the heat rise to my cheeks and felt that same spark when I shaked his hand with mine,is it love? Or cupid just hates me in general?
"Oh I see" Ruby responded,(Y/S/P) looked up to ruby letting it's eyes closely examine his you see the problem is with (Y/S/P) is that she doesn't trust new people around me and has this weird Pokefeeling when someone's worthy of my time or not,if they're not they get tackled to the floor so I'm praying to every legendary Pokémon that (Y/S/P) won't cause a commotion.
"Well I'll see you later,I guess" I said nervously grabbing my (F/C) messinger bag and slinging it over my shoulder after the first few steps I felt someone grab my arm,and pull me back I panicked only to find out it's Ruby holding me back.
"Ruby! What in Groudon's name are you doing?!" I yelled,trying to break off his grip apparently Ruby's gotten surprisingly stronger over the years as well.
"Mudkip, Mud?" His Mudkip asked,Ruby sweatdropped and took out something from his bag curiosity got the best of me and I looked at him and what he held in his hand a beautifully knit hat (okay since when did Ruby know how to knit?)
"Wow thanks Ruby" I said,taking the hat and making sure he didn't prank me like he used to in April fools a small card dropped out a fold inside,Ruby gulped and panicked as if he was trying to hide that he even looked all over his bag only to find out the card I'm holding is missing. I opened it carefully and saw a beautifully written poem
"Hey give that back!" Ruby begged his face mistaken for a tomato under the moonlight,I ignored him and kept reading.
(Y/N)'s love poem by:Ruby
Your lips so soft and red, 
the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. 
Your beauty so bright and warm, 
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky, 
when I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true, 
I never stop thinking of you.
The thought of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound 
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever 
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm, 
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul, 
(Y/N) you are my whole world.
My eyes swelled up with tears,did Ruby write this? Who would've guessed that kid's so romantic?
"(Y/N)" Ruby added,taking a second to clear his throat "I've always liked you since the day we met as kids,when I saw you in danger that day I couldn't help but summon up every inch of bravery I had,leaving behind that shy little kid....(Y/N) you're my whole world so please say you'll be my girlfriend?" Ruby asked,no way I checked my Pokegear clearly saying in bright (F/C) neon lights 12:17 April,2nd all the water escaped my eyes and I let it go I wasn't expecting this! Ruby frowned in disappointment thinking that you'll reject him, and without thinking I tackled him into a hug nearly knocking off his knit hat seeing a scar at the side of his head,he actually looked quite surprised wait I still haven't answered his question.
"Yes Ruby of course I'll be your girlfriend" I sobbed into his chest I felt a warm hand against my (H/C) hair going up and down from his hand's constant movement between my hair "but first thing's first how in Arceus name did you get that scar?" I asked,Ruby smirked I was getting uncomfortable due to our faces being so close to each other's he lifted my chin with his finger forcing my (E/C) eyes to meet with his ruby colored eyes I looked at his face closer his face literally the color of his eyes,and the heat in my cheeks increasing,my heart's racing out of my chest. Ruby got slowly closer and crashed his lips against mine,it felt like a Zapdos,Raikou,thunderous,and Zeckrom thunderbolted me,but surprisingly without the pain.
"It's for me to know and for you to find out" Ruby grinned,a pout appeared in my face because the scar is freaking huge!

((Need more request and before you ask no I didn't write the poem (im like terrible when it comes to romance) it's a random poem I found in the internet that was super cute I'll leave the link, and how did you like it? Well two in a row! Wooooo! Byee and happy April fools day! (Where I live at least) this was suggested by @xxyaoluvr5evrxx sorry if I spelt that wrong or not anyways have a nice day!
Family Friend Poems 

Pokémon human/Pokémon trainers x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now