Mischievous Kiss: Red x Reader

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I could hear the loud sound of the practice room in the hallway, the beloved M-Dexholder band was playing. (Which stood for Male Dexholder band) I didn't necessairly appreciate their style of music, but all their members were freaking hotter than Moltres so despite the fact I didn't like their music you were bound to like them at some point.

"Guys we have to come up with something for the Kanto Poke rock festival" One of the male's said taking off the emerald green bass off his shoulder.

"Shush I just haven't met my Muse yet" Another replied, taking his golden electric guitar off. The M-Dexholder band, The rich males laughed to each other.

"Gold we haven't either" they replied laughing. eating a bag of Oreo cookies... Followed by eating from the stack of food next to him.

I gently knocked on the door as I remembered what the main maid said. "You're working for the biggest boy band in Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos regions." And my mom owns the cleaning company that they hire to clean their mansion. Which I dont get the point since they're mainly on tour of the region's. Lucky? Not really, but appreciate the view... That's what I say. Well you see Mom and me had a discussion that went more or less like this.


"(Y/N)!" Mom yelled in that famous mom-tone that I could tell that I couldn't escape because she'll bring up the. 'I endured 9 months to give birth to you' or the 'Do you know how many hours of pain I experienced because of you?' speech and I had no comebacks against that.

"Mom... It's too early~" I mumbled from my (F/C) blankets that seemed to embrace me like a over obsessive boyfriend, not wanting to let go. I suddenly cringe at the memory of the couples that PDAing, Public Display of Affection...ing. Then make me feel lonely since I only have my Pokemon to keep me company.

"Honey it's 1 in the Afternoon!" she yelled, throwing one of my sneakers at me like she was throwing a boomerang. It hurt, a lot.

"Like I said mom, it's too early..." I mumbled.

"If you don't want to keep dealing with me waking you up then do something productive like... I don't know, find a place to live for instance."

"But Mom-"

"Anyways that's not why I came here to talk to you about (Y/N)"

I stood up straight while rubbing the bump in my head. "So... why did you come?-"

"I'll be dealing with some clients today and they want me to clean up their place. Since I have a meeting today you'll be taking over-"


"No excuses (Y/N), let me remind you of the cost of the average house in Kanto costs. Shall I?"

I moaned in response to that and stood up. "Fine" I mumbled. "Don't be surprised if I'll be complaining the majority of the time" I complained.

"The manager of these boys expect a lot, here's a list they gave me before-hand and now passing it to you." she said handing me a white piece of neatly folded paper.

ETHAN - HATES BUGS. CLEAN THE ROOM SEVERAL TIMES SINCE HE IS A MESSY BOY. Everyone is fine and aren't really that much of divas...


"Come in!" the males said in perfect unison, I entered the room with my (E/C) eyes blinking at the sight of them.
'The legends are true'

"So you're the new maid~" A Man with 24 carat golden eyes said, his voice colored in amusement as he rubbed his chin.

"U-Um yes-"

Pokémon human/Pokémon trainers x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now