Red x reader

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((Before we start kudos for actually taking the time to read this,second this wasn't requested by anyone,other than my brain =P and I haven't gotten any requests from you why not))
"Hmm....." (Y/N) wondered, for some reason Red hasn't been talking a lot lately....wait that's completely normal he just didn't talk to (Y/N) more than usual which is odd because you're his girlfriend and he's avoided you for the past week,today you were dedicated to find him and drag him along with you because it's his birthday and he shouldn't be spending it training on Mt.Silver!
"Blue!" (Y/N) yelled,she's the girl for preparations the black dressed dexholder looked at (Y/N) oddly since the sudden change in tone startled her for a second,(Y/N) was worried why Red avoided her so much thinking of her most recent mistakes she'd done nothing wrong....did she? Or did Red just not like you anymore and found someone else? The last thought almost made you want to cry your eyeballs out,(Y/S/P) brushed it's head on your leg making you temporarily holding back tears since you didn't want to worry your starter Pokémon.
"Yes (Y/N)?" Blue asked,hanging a Happy birthday Red! Banner in bold red words pinned on the living room of his house.
"How do you know if a guy just doesn't like you anymore?" (Y/N) asked,Blue twitched trying to hold back Red's secret and she dared Green 90 pokecoins that she wouldn't blab her mouth,so she'll particularly embarrass the Viridian City gym leader.
"I don't now why are you asking me?" Blue responded,(Y/N) sulked more into the chair and sank her back against the cushions "oh are you talking about Red?" Blue asked,(Y/N) sweat dropped well of course it's Red! It's not like (Y/N) Has another man in her life!
"Yeah he's been avoiding me recently, and I don't know why" (Y/N) Sulked,taking a piece of (favorite flavor) gum out of her pocket and started chewing on it savoring every flavor.
"Trust me,if that guy breaks your heart imagine how me,and Misaki will react to that" Blue
Snorted,as if Red wasn't going to try to avoid both of them each individually has the same strengths as the legendary Pokémon Arceus,together.......well Red is definitely screwed there.
"Hehe maybe you're right Blue thanks for the reassurance" (Y/N) said sarcastically, she walked outside and sighed taking out a red and white pokeball and starting her search for Red.
"(Favorite flying Pokémon) come on out!" (Y/N) demanded,(F/F/P) looked around it's eyes meeting with (Y/N)'s hurt (E/C) eyes
"Let's go look for Red" (Y/N) sighed,climbing the back of her flying type and holding on onto it's neck.
"Ow! (Y/N) where are we going?!" Red asked,as (Y/N) pulled the collar of his red and white vest towards Pallet Town,(Y/N) found him training in the route 1 trail which is completely stupid and unfair compared to the Rattata and Pidgey's found here they have no chance against Red's Pokémon.
"Are you seriously going to avoid me?! Well not today Ketchum!" (Y/N) growled,dragging him along to his house she frowned upon him since when should a girlfriend drag her boyfriend along to a surpise birthday party,especially his own!
"Fine can you at least tell me where we're going?" Red asked,holding a small black box in his pocket he completely forgot his own birthday! Which (Y/N) has memorized by heart August 8 he's a Leo.
"Your house" (Y/N) growled,Red clutched the small black box against his fingertips so it wouldn't fall off and ruin his months of planning with Pikachu.
"Pika Pika Pi?" Pika asked,(Y/N) let her (E/C) orbs meet with Red's crimson red eyes so full worry for some reason (Y/N) thought about something else. Red caught up to her and in one quick minute he led her to his house where every Kanto,Jhoto,Sinnoh,Hoenn,and Unova dexholder were hiding in some random part of his house also with his mom,Misaki, and Professor Oak,as Red opened the door to the dark house and (Y/N) turned on the switch every dexholder was in sight with beautiful balloon preparations, just the preparations in general were just.... Wow.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RED!" Everyone including Pika and (Y/N) yelled,Red felt his eyes tear up out of joy but he kept it in not wanting to show any feeling,sometimes (Y/N) described Red as a book you need to know how to read before you deal with the story.
"Really for me?" Red smiled "you shouldn't have!" He grinned
"Yeah! You'd think that we'd forget the Indigo league champion's birthday silly!" (Y/N) spoke out loud,when the music turned on and everyone started dancing and having a good time Red faced (Y/N).
"we need to talk" Red said his hands sunk into his pockets in an attempt to stop (Y/N) from seeing the black box hidden beneath his pocket and hands,meanwhile (Y/N) prepared for the worst.....breaking up with Red,her heart felt like it shattered into a million individual pieces and floated away she closed her eyes she didn't want to look at him anymore. The music DJ Hoenn Dexholder Emerald switched the music immediately to a slow romantic song,and Red kneeled down and cleared his throat (Y/N) slowly opened one eye confused out of her mind what's going on.
"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N) we've been together for 2 years now,and even though you can be a real pain...." Red said before taking a small black box out of his pocket,and tears formed in her (E/C) eyes opening it was a gold ring with a small diamond in the middle,(Y/N) gasped putting her hand over mouth in surprise.
"I still love so.....(F/N) (M/N) (L/S) will you marry me?" Red asked,(Y/N) was so in tears words couldn't even described how much she loved him and felt she felt stinging hot tears go over her cheek causing Red to frown.
"D-did I do something wrong?" Red panicked,(Y/N) shook her head (in response to that question)
"Of course I'll marry you Red!" (Y/N) yelled,tackling Red into a hug making every dexholder (especially the girls) awwww or if they have a boyfriend why aren't you romantic like Red? Causing their boyfriends to panic.
"I thought you didn't need me anymore,and that you found someone else" (Y/N) admitted "so I thought that's why you avoided me"
"(Y/N) I'll always need you,now and forever" Red admitted pulling her into an embrace and kissing his minutes old fiancé in the lips,causing a few ewws from the childish dexholders (cough Gold cough)
"BACK TO THE PARRRTTTTYYYYY!!!!" Lyra yelled "HIT IT EMERALD!" Lyra yelled again probably breaking a few wine glasses,Emerald nodded eagerly like his whole life waited for this moment,though Lyra started to act like a real drunk.
"I love you Red Ketchum,and next time you avoid me I'll personally make sure Misaki or Blue will track you down" (Y/N) warned him,Red sweat dropped in response and gave you a nervous smile
"Love you too (Y/N)" that's all Red could say
((Sorry I was in a hurry when I made this! And I need more people requesting so who would you like next? I did Red because,his eyes they just drive me crazy!!!!

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