April Anth

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Dearest Kade,

I need to give myself more credit for being the strong person I am? How about you huh? You're the one that dared to sparkle on the outside as well as on the inside! I couldn't be more proud of you!

if your witch of a mother kicks you out you know exactly where to come and don't you dare question it. And don't you ever let anyone dull your sparkle..  not ever. Don't you dare be anything else to make anyone happy. Do you hear me? You are Kade! And Kade is amazing and I love them with all my heart. I love you! So you could never be a burden on me sweet Kade. And I would never stop writing you.. even if you wanted to stop writing me.

And I'm glad you found Drew! She sounds like just what you need right now.. even if I can't be. I'm glad you found her and I hope I get to meet her someday.

Your words saved me tonight more than I think you could realise. I had a stare down with my grandpa's vodka minutes before your letter arrived and don't worry I have just finished talking to my sponsor upon writing you back. So I'm okay I promise you.

It all just got really hard Kade, my grandpa had a really bad turn and he forgot who I was.
He called me by my dead father's name and told me that I had let Anthony down by not being there for him. Cursed my father out for drinking and because of that I had to grow up too fast and look after my mum and everyone around me.
And I know that should have the opposite effect on me, logically Kade I do know that. But I had a weak moment and I'm sorry Kade.
I know you weren't mad the time I fell off the wagon with you even though I hate myself every day for putting you through that version of me.
but I still feel like I'm letting you down when you see me as this good person, that you are constantly calling strong.
But what if I'm not that all the time Kade? Is that still okay with you?

Anyway I meant what I said Kade, if things go south for you.. come here. Hell I'd have you here right now if you didn't have to finish year 12. Waking up to you every morning would save me from the reality of slowly and painfully losing my grandpa.. the only adult that cared enough about me, to look after me. But now I get to make his last moments the best I can for him and that's something I guess.

I miss you more than should be humanly possible right now.

Love always,

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