June Anth:

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Dearest Kade,

That's so crazy I hear your voice pretty much the whole time I'm reading your letters. I miss your voice too. Grandpa says that there's good reception at the corner store. And I think that's the most old timey thing anyone has ever said to me. Ha ha but next time I'm there I'll give you a call. I miss your voice too sweet one. So much sometimes that I re read your letters just to hear it in my head.

Um yes to the you writing Grandpa and Harry's story. He cried when I told him you wanted to do that. Maybe you should come out here soon like on a weekend and we can all talk about it and you can actually meet my grandpa! He already loves you from what I can tell. I mean I talk about you enough. He even told me you are my Harry.. with a happier ending I hope I said to him.

Okay one thing before we get into my mum and Bella's fiasco.. why Kade would it be just a fantasy that you, me and Drew will hang out someday. I don't understand why you would think that.. unless you don't think I'll come back to you or you are thinking you don't want me to? But Kade I know you well enough to think it's the first thing and I don't know where you would get that idea. All I've said in my letters and all I've thought since being out here has been that I want.. no I need to get back to you! I love you! Kade what else do you want me to say?
Do you think you are unlovable? Do you think you're broken? Because you are not Kade. You are so beautiful and sweet and kind and compassionate and every other good word in the English language!! I wish you would believe me.. and until you do I will remind you every chance I get. Kade, baby, you are half of me.. I mean that.

Okay mum and Bella. All I'm going to say is that I'm so sorry you had to go through that with them. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I'm glad you didn't let them get to you! I am so proud of you, you'll have to teach me how you did it because I let them get to me for seventeen years before I moved out this year to be with Grandpa. They are the most hostile and awful people I've ever met and the sad thing is my dad wasn't much better than they are. Sorry I can't go much further than that on this topic it still hurts to talk about it. Sorry.
But I will say your kind words about me and my grandpa do mean the world to me. Grandpa says you are too kind.

Babe I totally get that feeling.. I feel that every day I'm away from you. And it's not sappy at all.. it's mutual. It just means we are meant to be together.. even if we can't be physically right now.

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.
Love always, Anth

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