Chapter 14

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Kajal went inside the room and opened the machine gate. She switched in on and paused.

Kajal: I wanna see my best friend happy, now its either them or Avu. First I'll go for Siddharth!

She switched the dial to 2 years ago and went there.

Flashback (In italics is the flashback and the normal font is for the point of view of Kajal)

Two girls were standing there and talking.

Juanita: See Avneet, I'm your friend and I care for you. Please don't think you're alone ever, I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me.

Avneet: I understand JD, you're a great friend and I love you.

Juanita: I love ya more.

Avneet leaves smiling at Juanita.

What I feel is she knows about them. I should fine more about this Juanita D'Souza.

-------- At Juanita's home ----------

Juanita: Huh! What does she think of herself!? I'm so much better than Avneet! Are the trustee's blind or what? I hate that bitch, she just spoiled my whole career! Wait she can't... I'll spoil her life! I'll make her lose everything she has. I'll tell the truth about Siddharth to her and she'll hate Siddharth! Ha ha ha! *Evil Laughter* This is gonna be fun! *smirking*

I knew it I knew it! She's is the villain of their lives, but she does looks like someone. Now I need to go back to find them.

She goes somewhere.

Siddharth was sitting in his cabin when Avneet came inside banging the door.

Avneet: Why are you still here?

Siddharth: Ms. Kaur, whatever you think of us... I don't know... but we're not harming anyone here so please...

Avneet: Believing you, huh! Impossible!

Siddharth: Then don't, why are you even here!

Avneet: Just leave this place, go away from me and my family.

Sid: Your family, huh really!

Sid went closer to Avneet.

Avneet: What the fuck is this now?

Sid: When you will realize it, maybe it turns out to be too late!

Avneet: I don't need to realize anything. I just know I hate you and your family whatever!

Sid: Then you don't need to worry Ms. Kaur. Obviously, why do you care even if we're taken to the laboratories and done experiments on! You don't worry about it, you hate us!


How's the story going further? Will Avneet know that Juanita did all of that?

Whom are they trying to find?

Signing off,

Au Revoir


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