You Know It's Not Obvious To Me

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~You Know It’s Not Obvious To Me~

“Derek?” I asked almost dropping my towel. “What do you want?” Why did Derek want to talk to me?

“I know we’ve never really talked but I just wanted you to know Brooks REALLY likes you. I’ve actually never seen him obsess over a girl like this before. I know he made some mistakes while we were away but he can explain and he just wants you to hear him out. He has every right to be heard. He just wants to apologize. I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now but I really don’t think things will ever be okay again if you don’t hear him out. Let him talk.” I didn’t say anything for about ten seconds.

Then Derek left my room.

I knew I wanted to say something but I just couldn’t. Instead I got dressed into my jogging clothes and put in my headphones. I threw on my running shoes.

“Honey where are you going?” My mom asked.

“I’m going for a run.” I replied.

“It’s pouring outside!” My brother said with wide eyes.

“I need to go for a run.” I insisted.

“Lina, don’t start with your excessive running again.” My dad said getting up from the kitchen. “You know what happened last time.”

I remembered back…

It was my first week in the new school here. I had been running a lot because of all of the stress I had been put through. I also didn’t have much else to do. One day I was just filled with stress so I went for a twenty mile run not knowing where I was going. I actually ended up passed out thirty miles away from my house. Another jogger had found me lying on the sidewalk. My parents actually thought I had a psychotic problem. I was just stressed.

Then I came back to present time…

“I’m just going for a short run. I miss running.” I said making up an excuse.

“Okay well only an hour at the most!” My dad said checking his watch. It was already 7:00 so I didn’t have much time and it was already pretty dark.

Finally I talked them into letting me go. I started running not really sure of where I was going. But truth is I would probably be gone longer than an hour.

Thirty minutes had gone by and I was at the location I was running towards. I slowly stepped up to the doors of the apartment building. I didn’t want to press the button so I could get in instead I sneaked in after someone else opened the door. I slid in through the door and took the elevator up. I hesitantly walked down the hallway and stood in front of the door for about five minutes until I finally got the courage to knock on the door.

I hesitated after each time I knocked. I heard someone walking to the door.

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