You're Something To Remember

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~You're Something To Remember~

“Elaine you can follow me down to the studio now.” Elaine hoped up from the kitchen counter and clapped her hands.

I lead Elaine down to the studio. The guys had stopped playing when they saw us.

“Hey guys sorry for interrupting but my best friend just got back from Germany and she wanted to meet you.” I looked over at Elaine and her eyes were wider than I have ever seen before. I chuckled.

“I’m Jeremy, I play the bass.” Jeremy gave Elaine a big smile and shook her hand.

“I’m Brooks, I play the guitar.” Brooks shook her hand as well.

“I’m Alex and I also play the guitar.” Alex shook her hand.

“I’m Jake I sing and play drums.” Jake got all dramatic and the belted out a note. Elaine giggled and everyone laughed at her giggling.

“And I’m Derek the lead singer.” Derek shook her hand.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you guys!” Elaine giggled again.

“I heard you guys are playing at my school tomorrow?” I asked the guys.

“Yeah just two songs. Nothing special. We’re hoping that if we pass out information to teenagers it will help us get a little more popular.” Jake explained tossing his drum sticks in the air.

“Well I can’t wait to hear you. But Elaine and I will leave you guys alone so you can practice.” I started walking up the stairs.

“Wait!” One of the guys yelled. “You should listen to us and give u feedback.” I walked back down the stairs and noticed Brooks was the one who said that.

“Are you sure?” I asked the rest of the guys.

“Yeah I think it’s a good idea.” Alex replied. Elaine and I took a seat on the floor outside of the studio so we could listen to them perform.

Brooks started with a guitar solo. I realized they were playing a song they haven’t played for me before. Then Derek started singing and Jake added in his harmonic line. Then the song got a little more hard core punk. I liked it. I looked over at Elaine and she was closing her eyes.

And if I died right now you’d never be the same.” Derek and Jake both sang together.

I know you want me to want you I want you too.” They both sang again and the song was over. Elaine stood up and started clapping. I soon joined Elaine.

“I really liked that song. What was it called?” I asked them.

Three Cheers For Five Years.” Derek answered.

“Do you have another one?” Elaine asked.

It All Goes Back To The First Kiss (Mayday Parade Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin