Chapter 13

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Aizawa's POV

*Sigh* 'Why did I agree to do this?' This was the thought running through my head as  I walk down the hallway. I could've been in my sleeping bag sleeping right now, but NO! The rat god has plans, and when the rat god has plans and we all know how far will that go. Anyways, I reached the room that the kid was in and knocked. I heard someone telling me to come in. 'I wonder what the kid is like?' I thought as I opened the door. As the door opened there I saw a boy with a somewhat like ebony black hair with forest evergreen highlights. Cheeks sprinkled with freckles, some more prominent than others, But what stands out the most is the boy's eyes. It was a deep yet bright emerald green that glows with curiosity and wonder. As I entered the room I can tell his confusion about my entrance. ' I need to confirm my visit so that this kid can stop staring at me.' 

"Are you perhaps Izuku Midoriya?"

I can see the kid nod with caution and said yes. 'Good thing the kid is alert in most things.' I can feel this kid observe and analyze me, it feels like I'm in a tiger's den with a predator waiting for their chance to pounce on me. Better keep my guard up. "Good, I have some questions for you and then after that I want to clarify somethings with you, is that understood?" To which the kid nodded again in response. Quick without hesitation yet never letting his guard down, I like this kid already. "Good! Then let us get started, first of let me introduce myself. My name is Aizawa Shouta also known as Underground Pro-hero: Eraserhead. I want you to answer my questions honestly, understood?" The kid responded with a nod once again.

"Good! So let's begin. first question: Do you have any recollection about the incident that happened in the past week ?" This is one of the most important questions, I hope this kid can answer even just a bit.

Izuku POV

" I remember waking up in my mother's arms, Katsumi was right beside us and we were on the floor. When I woke up I noticed that they were in a frantic state., then I looked around and saw the whole room in shambles with a strange man in front of us." I explained as vivid as I remembered it.

I remember the events that happened that day like a broken cassette tape on my head, after I opened my eyes I saw me, my mother, and Katsumi were on the floor with a foreign yet familiar man in front of us. With his bone-chilling toxic green eyes, he stared at me like the abyss is staring right back at my soul. He saw me staring at him and he gave a smile that made me paralyzed to my very core.

I felt something familiar when I saw him, then I realized, my father was right in front of me.  My father that left my mother crying that night. The man that abandoned his family for the sake of power. A monster trying to devour us whole. I badly wanted to grab my mother and Katsumi and run away, but I was to weak. To weak to even stand, and save my family. At that point I felt something within me something I have never felt. A desire that wants nothing more that to consume everything. A fire that is starting burn larger ang brighter by the second. I felt it almost took over me, almost. Then I heard the words that made me regain hope.


At that moment I felt the fire seize and I felt myself becoming calmer. I felt my self regain control. At that moment other Pro-Heroes also arrived at the scene. I saw Kamui Woods pick us three up, but it was also the moment I felt myself coughing up something. I looked and saw my my own blood, and then I passed out. The rest is still unknown to me to this day.

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