Chapter 8

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Ok to make it up to you guys, here's another chapter. Hope you like it. :) :)


All Might's POV

I stared at the villain in front of me, he is donned in a jet black suit with slick black hair, but the thing that catches my eyes the most is the golden brooch that he is wearing. It looks like a phoenix with red rubies for eyes. 

"Oh! So you noticed my little accessory right here

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"Oh! So you noticed my little accessory right here. My dear wife gave it to me on our wedding night, that was the time that she was still fun to be with, became boring easily because of that little runt that she calls her son. That kid is just a boring mistake...well was a boring mistake."

"So, when you heard that he has awakened his power you came here for his power! You miserable bastard! You should be ashamed of yourself. Targeting a poor boy because of your selfishness! As a hero i cannot let go on further with your plans!"

"Oh! You sure catch on quick for an old man, but i think it's time for us to end this little chat of ours. Farewell, until we meet again." And with that a reddish black hole appeared beside him and with that he began to walk towards the portal. 'I need to stop stop him!' with the thought i had in mind my body reacted by lunging forward, only to be blinded by a large sum of light. And the next thing i know, he's gone.

"Shit! He got away!" I ran towards where he should be. But all i found is piece of note saying:

I'll be back for my son.  -Spitfire

Damn! That guy is not gonna give up, is he?! Well, whatever, its not like he can move again in a short amount of time and i know that he's not stupid enough to attack immediately knowing that the kid is protected by many heroes in the area's jurisdiction. After searching around a bit i realized we were about to fight in some sort of room filled with all my hero merch, HECK! There are even limited editions, HAHAHA! Some one must be a fan of mine. I turned around after observing the room, after all i still need need to check on the civilians that have been evacuated.

I spotted Kamui Woods by the entrance and approached him. "Is everyone okay?!"

"Everyone is okay, except..."

"Except who?" Are they all right?

"Except the boy who was held hosta-"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BOY?!" As soon as i heard those words my heart immediately dropped. That boy is all Inko has and if she loses him she'll be heartbroken, i can't bear to see her like that.

"The boy suddenly coughed up blood and passed out, he is getting immediate treatment as we speak." Oh! Thank the Gods he's alright.

"Good, check on the evacuees for now. I'll check up on the boy." And with that i ran to check up on them.  After a while of searching i finally found them, and what i saw broke my heart. I saw the woman i love crying beside a girl with ash blonde hair, both of them praying for the boy to be safe.

I carefully approached them, so i don't startle both of them. And with fated breath i approached them and said...


And with that she turned around to face me with me still with tear stained face and said...


She still remembers me! By Gods!...Thank goodness. Maybe Tsukauchi was right, maybe, just maybe, i could have a chance to be with her again. Argh! Now is not the time for that, i need to check the boy. "So how is the young one feeling?"

"I don't know Toshi, i want to know that as well as you, but i don't know what to do."Hearing her say those words in pain made my heart ache. So i did the best thing i could do at the moment, i comforted her. I have never seen her this sad before, what have i been doing all this time, i could've been with her and making her happy if i just didn't back down and gave up on her. Well that doesn't matter now, i have the time to fix my mistakes.

"Do you know why he was after him?" If i can get some information then i can protect them. "He said he was after him for some plan of his. I don't know what my hus- no, my ex-husband is planing on doing but please, for everything that is good,  please stop him."

"I will Inko don't worry, i promise i won't let him get to both of you again." I failed to protect her from him before due to my ignorance, but now i can protect them,

"Welp, this is one heck of a reunion, ain't it Inko?"

"*Chuckles* Yup it sure is. I see you're doing good."

"HAHAHA! I've been better old friend,  but i'm glad you're okay."

Her smile never ceases to make me happy, i wish her smile would stay the same. "Wait a minute! Old reunion?! YOU KNEW EACH OTHER?! AND WHO'S TOSHI?!"

"Oh! I never told you did i, me and All Might went to the same middle school and high school together ." Welp, that's a lot of info coming her way.


"All in the same classes i might add, well except in high school since she went to the general department to pursue medicine." Aahh.. The good old times.


"You and Enji-san always end up in the nurses office to the point that Recovery Girl made a point system because of it." She turned to me with the sweet smile i love so much.


""Endevour."" Inko and i said at the same time.


After a little laugh Inko said something that frightened me to the very core of my bones.

"Remember when you and Enji fought that one time, and you two had to stay in the infirmary overnight. Man! you to got scolded pretty hard by Recovery Girl that morning."

"A-a-ah,y-y-es t-that."

"both of you were punished accordingly that day as, since both of you made stay at the school infirmary overnight i got to be the one who decided both of your punishments."

"So...What are those punishments?"

Little girl why do you have to ask that?!


Hello peeps it's ya dear author right here, so anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter there will be more soon.


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