Chapter 2

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(A/N:sorry for the hold up guys, shit got down in my life so..... Yeah. Anyways let's continue!)


Izuku's POV,

Where am i?

Why is it so dark?



Why is she here?

"Please! Izuku, wake up,please!"

Why is she crying?

"Please, I can't do this without you!"


Stop crying....

I'm here, i can hear you.

"I love you...."

I love you too.......

I need to move

I need to reply to her

I need her


Katsumi's POV,

"I love you...."

I feel like giving up right now....but....its my fault. Its my fault that he's in this hospital bed, its my fault why he tried to kill himself.

All of a sudden i felt move movements from his hand. "IZUKU!?" He's ok! Thank Horikoshi, he's ok. "Izuku can you hear me?!"
Then is eyes fluttered open revealing his beautiful emerald eyes.


I jumped on him and hugged him like there was no tommorow.

I can't lose him again.....not now....nor ever.....

"I'm so sorry Izuku! I shouldn't have done it, i shouldn't have said that, I'M SO SORRY!" I cried while hugging him like there's no tommorow.


Izuku's POV,





I didn't expect this. I didn't expect to end up in a hosptal, I expected it to be over.........and most of all.


But the next thing i knew my body started to move on my own.


I hugged her

I hugged Katsumi


I'm so dead

And then she passed out all of a sudden, maybe due to stress that i put her in. " *Sigh* I'm such an idiot." I said while looking at her tear stained face, she's so beautiful, and Ho- WOAH IZUKU CALM DOWN! But even though.... she does look like a beautiful goddess resting on my lap.

Her ruby eyes, her cherry lips, her spiky ash blonde locks, She's perfect in every way possible, well for me anyways. I stood up from the hospital bed and picked her up, i got the provided blanket by the hospital and tucked her in. She looks so peaceful sleeping. I gathered my thoughts and got in bed with her tucking both of us in.


"Don't leave me"

Katsumi said in her sleep. "I won't leave you, don't you worry now, just sleep."
And with that we fell asleep with her in my arms, but not before saying....

"I love you too my dear."

Katsumi's POV,

I remember that i was crying and then i passed out.... i think.... i don't fucking know. But all i know is i felt like i was being lifted up anf kanding on something soft and shortly after that i feel warmth. Not the bad kind of warmth but something very soothing. Then every thing went black.

(Ravioli! Ravioli! Time Skiparuni!)

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping by the window. I tried to get up but something held me back. As I look to my right i saw Deku hugging me, i immediately feel my cheeks blushing like a mad woman. His arms were wrapped around my waist and i can feel his breath on my neck. Then suddenly i heard groaning and then i was met by those emerald eyes that i love so much.

He's awake...He's AWAKE.....HE'S AWAKE......OH MY FUCKING HORIKOSHI I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS SITUATION.... Ok Katsumi calm down, no need to be so overly exited..........Fuck it.

"IZUKU!!" As i screamed like a mad woman i am tackled him in one of my bear hugs. I'm so happy that my Deku is awake......wait...... did i just call him MY DEKU! OK KATSUMI YOU REALLY NEED TO CHILL.....JUST CHILL.....ok i'm done.


(A/N: Thank you for reading this story. I really didn't expect this to go off but you made me so happy)

Special shout to: @kunoichiotaku for the motivation

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