Chapter 6

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Okie so we back at it again with another one. I drunk 22 cups of coffee and got off of procrastination so let's go!

Izuku's POV


All i see is black....

I can't feel anything but cold

And then suddenly a path appeared. I followed the path to see where it will take me. I followed and followed until it feels like I'm walking for nothing.
I feel like how much i walk around i never left. Then suddenly,


A voice!? Here!? How!?

I don't see any body though? How come there's someone here? I doesn't make any sense?

༻              ༺  

There it is again but... feminine?! What!? I saw two silhouettes in the distance i decided to walk over to them. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" As i said that they turned around.

They looked so mysterious yet alluring. A boy with hair colored black as the night with white freckles around it to resembling the stars, and a girl with rose red hair with a gold halo around her head.

As they turned around they smiled at me and then left, disappeared, vanished into thin air. Why did they just smiled at me and left? Why are they here? I wonder what are their names? As i saw something in the corner of my eye, a bright light. I walked closer to it and as i walked closer to it it keeps getting brighter and brighter until light just swallowed my eyes.


Katsumi's POV

It's been a while since Izuku woke up, i miss his smile, his eyes, his laugh, i miss him. He's been asleep for a week now i don't know when he's going to wake up but i wish it will be soon. As i walk home from school i always stop by Izuku's house to check if he's ok. The old hag knows where i go... so i don't think that I need to tell her. I found myself in Izuku's room again and again and again.

I knocked on their house and waited for an answer, but no one came. So I knocked again and again no answer. I got pissed and tried twisting the doorknob, to my surprise its open! 'Why would Auntie Inko leave the door open? It's not like her to leave it open.' I thought as i opened the door.

What i saw shocked me.......

It was a mess....

Broken vases... 

Shattered glass...

Cracked window...

Ruined furnitures...

It was a nightmare, it was like 10 rhinos fucked in here. Wait..... IZUKU!.......WHERE IS HE?!.....i rushed to Izuku's room only to find auntie on the floor with Izuku in her arms then a man with hair like Izuku but black.

"AUNTIE! ICCHAN!" I ran to them with  haste. "What's going on? Who is this man?! Is Icchan ok?!" "He's ok dear don't worry." Auntie reassured me that he's ok, but who is this guy?

I turned to the man right in front of us, he had hair as black as the night with streaks of bluish white pulled back and eyes like Icchan's emerald eyes. Emerald

"W-w-who are you?"

I stuttered...ME!?....THE GREAT KATSUMI BAKUGO?!....STUTTERED..... All because of this man, this man who is staring at me, this man who has a face devoid of emotions, this man who has he shaking with fear.


Inko's POV

⊱⋅ ──────Earlier────── ⋅⊰

I was washing the dishes when suddenly i heard a knock. I wonder who it is. I peeped through the peeping hole and saw the man that i never wanted to see ever again. I immediately ran towards Izuku's room and i heard him say " I know you're in there Inko...come out now dear. Let's talk."! This can't be happening, I can't let him take my baby away from me. I heard the door broke down, i pulled Izuku towards me, i heard his footsteps coming close. No. Please. No. Please. He opened the door and there he is " Hello dear, it's been a long time." "Please. Don't come any closer." I don't know what to do. Please someone. Anyone. Help us!


I saw Katsumi shaking in fear, i mean who wouldn't. This man is a monster, a monster devouring anything and anyone in his path. "Please don't do anything to them, you can do what ever you want with me but please don't hurt them!" I pleaded and begged hoping that he will let them go " Oh! Don't worry I won't do anything to any of you especially to my adorable son and my precious wife."

"Auntie? Who is he?"

Katsumi, i forgot that she was here. No she can't get hurt." Oh! Katsumi its been a while since I last saw you. You were just a little girl when i last saw you. Look how much you've grow-."


"My, my, no need to get angry now my  dear"

"Mom? What's going on? Why are you shouting?"

I looked down and i saw my baby boy's emerald eyes " Izuku! Baby!"

I saw as he got tackled by Katsumi "ICCHAN!"


I watched as the two pulled each other for an embrace." Oh! Izuku i see you're awake and you managed to break the seal off of you quirk huh, good for you."



Edit: sorry for the mistakes....don't worry i fixed it

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