chapter 10

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Hello! my fellow degenerates i am back with another chapter! So sit back, relax and enjoy the chapter!


Izuku's POV

After i saw white i woke up in a hospital bed, and in my right hand i saw something that shocked me. I saw the flower i picked up on the meadow i saw in my dream. 'Wait, if the flower's here, then?' I looked around and saw him sitting on the chair right next to me. "Toothless! Oh, i'm so glad that you're here! I thought that it was just a dream!" He jumped on to the bed and meowed at me as if he's asking me if i'm alright. "I'm alright bud." As i lay there with Toothless the door opened with my mom and Katsumi on the other side. " IZUKU MY BABY! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! EVER!" " I know mom, i'm sorry i made you worried." "OI! YOU SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT ME WHEN I FOUND YOU TWO IN THAT SITUATION! DO THAT AGAIN AND I WILL BEAT THE LIVING CRAP OUTTA YOU! YA' UNDERSTAND!?" " I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again, i promise."

"*ahem* If i may enter the room?" "Oh! sure!" "Thank you. I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi and i believe you are Izuku Midoriya?" The man asked me, 'Who is this guy?' He wore a simple beige coat underneath it he donned a suit. He has dark brown hair and black eyes. "Yes sir. Is something wrong?" I asked 'cause at this point i don't know what's happening. " Well... A bit, but now that you're awake we can settle this. We would like to ask you three some questions, is that alright?" I nodded because i also need answers. I felt Toothless nudge my hand and meowed at me. " What an adorable cat." Mr. Naomasa said while admiring my cat. "Meeeoooow" I heard Toothless respond. " Izuku?" I heard Kacchan call me. I looked to her signaling my full attention. " What is a cat doing here?" She pointed to Toothless that was sitting next to me. "Oh! I had a dream that i was at a forest and i met him there, but i couldn't leave him. He's too adorable to be left behind and i couldn't resist him. Though , i don't know how he got here." I said replying to her question. " Ok, but i do admit he's freaking adorable." I looked to her with gleaming eyes " I know right! I mean who could resist his cuteness. He made my heart melt the first time i saw him."

"Well.. If your doing alright now, we would like to ask you three some questions, is that alright?" "Of course!" I replied to him, i also need to know what is happening. "Good! we're just waiting for one more person to arrive, is that alright with you?" One more person? Who could that be? "Sure." I wonder who this person is? As i asked myself the door suddenly opened and i was shocked to see HIM! " I am here! Sorry for the wait Tsukauchi!" IT WAS FREAKING ALL MIGHT! WHAT DO I DO?! DO I SAY HI? DO I ASK FOR AN AUTOGRAPH?! WHAT DO I DO?! "Ah! You must be young Midoriya?" I don't know what to say, do i say hi? What do i do?! In a state of panic i looked to my mom and back at All Might then back again towards my mother. 

" Icchan and speechless, i never thought that the day would come that those two words would come together." I sat there speechless on my bed staring at the sight in front of me. "Aaaaawwww! What an adorable cat you have there young man. What's his name?" He asked while petting Toothless " His name is Toothless." "Toothless? That's an odd name. Why did you name him Toothless?" He asked me as i petted Toothless who had the audacity to jump on my shoulder once again, does this cat know how heavy he is! "Toothless, would you please show him." He meowed at me as a reply and jumped down my shoulder. 'Finally freedom for my dear shoulder!' He sat in front of All Might and smiled his kitty smile which i might add is very adorable. "Huh! He really is toothless, I guess the name fit-AH!" I stifled a laugh let All Might examine him a bit more. By his reaction I guess Toothless showed them him teeth. " I have seen many things before but I have never seen a cat retract its teeth!" Then i also heard Mr. Naomasa commentate his opinion as well. "For sure, but I guess life is just full of surprises, isn't it?" " I guess so..... Anyways i'm sure Tsukauchi has already asked for your consent to answer some questions for us, so let's straight to the point. Ms. Midoriya, what is Spitfire planning and why would he want your son?"

Inko's POV

" What is Spitfire planning and why would he want your son?" There it is the question that i dreadfully never wanted to hear. I have protected this secret for many years and now is the time to reveal it, i just hope i made the right decision. I looked to my son to see him looking at me with worried eyes. "Izuku, Katsumi both of listen very well, ok?" I said to the both of them. They nodded at me. Well here goes nothing, i sighed and said " It's not who he wanted, it's what he wanted."

("Inko" "All Might" "Tsukauchi" )

"What do you mean by that?"

"What i mean is that he is not after Izuku but the power that he holds."

" Power? We know that the boy has multiple quirks but why would he want it?"

" This power that my son holds right now is one of our families greatest secrets. Every boy born in my family always have some kind of power based on their fears, weaknesses, and emotions. The greater those three key point are the stronger the power. Though they manifest later in the users life, it's still a dangerous topic for our family considering Izuku is the first boy born in our family in over 200 years."

"But that's not the problem, despite having this power it doesn't mean it's controllable from the get go. Once the power manifests it still needs to set within the users body causing excruciating pain and sometimes spitting out blood."

"So that's why the kid suddenly passed out, and if the quirk is still setting in his body what makes it that he wants it so bad?"

"Due to the quirk still setting in, the users body will be weakened a bit. But that's not the worst part, due to it being fragile the quirk can easily be extracted from the body leaving the previous user to die."

"So what you're saying is as long as his quirk hasn't set in yet Spitfire can extract that power all to himself. If that happens it can cause major a major crisis all over the country, if he gets it there will be no stopping him."

"We read the files pertaining Izuku's quirk, i believe its called fallen angel. May i ask who named it?"

"It was my son who named it."

"May i ask why, young man?"

" It reminded me so much that of a fallen angel so i named it that."

"Acceptable. Anyways, if i may ask. If his said power fully sets in what happens then?"

"Once it fully sets in then it will start to activate and once it does we will need someway to train and enhance it, 'cause if not then within one year the power itself will start to take over the users body and cause a rampage."


"Is there anyway to stop it?!"

"I'm afraid not, I'm sorry."

There was a tense atmosphere in the room and then i felt Toothless nudge me as if he's reassuring me. I smiled at him before i spoke one last time.

"That is all i know."


ok so i hope you enjoyed this chapter. stay safe and cool everyone.

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