You in a skirt - Park Seonghwa × Kim Hongjoong (Smut)

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Smut warning 

He stared at the store from outside at the plaid skirt. It had two shining buckles on the high waist band and black strips over the red fabric. He always wanted to try wearing a skirt but he was just shy, even though his boy friend always encouraged him to wear whatever he wanted to.

Hongjoong exhaled a long sigh and bit his lips going in to the shop, taking the skirt for fit on. He loved the feeling of wearing a it. Very comfortable and it felt pretty, yet he hesitated. What if Seonghwa feel disgusted? Or what if he looks ugly in it?

Buying it anyways he went home, the silence and loneliness engulfing him. Seonghwa wasn't back from work and he had promised to come earlier than usual. So, he wore the skirt with a black crop top and knee length socks. Seeing himself in the mirror a soft shade of rose color rushed on to his cheeks and he smiled to himself.

It didn't take long for the front door to open with a click and footsteps followed in. Excited and scared Hongjoong walked out of the room and climbed down the stairs to meet up with a tired looking tall boy.

Seonghwa's eye were fixed on the boy who stood infront of him, cutely fiddling with his fingers and his eyes traveling everywhere but not at his boyfriend.

"Joong..." It just escaped his lips softly. "You finally wore a skirt."

"I-I... Does it l-look ugly?" Feeling embarrassed, Hongjoong felt his eyes sting but he was quickly pulled into a hug.

"No!" The taller responded quickly. "You look absolutely stunning. I was just speechless because of it and happy that you are finally comfortable to wear that around me."

Smiling to the other's chest he wrapped his hands around his waist giving in to the embrace.

"Well... you always wanted me to wear one. I wasn't sure before if I'll look better in it."

"You look so good."

Firmly whispering, Seonghwa kissed him, slowly letting the younger melt in to his arms and mirror him. Cupping the back of his neck from one hand and the other pulling him closer he gave lick on to his bottle lip which caused Hongjoong to let out gasp. Taking the chance, Seonghwa entered his tongue not trying to scare the boy as they had never gone this far in kissing.

It was new to the shorter but he wasn't complaining. Even through that surprising moment he could see how careful the older was and he loved it. He loved how he ran the thumb back and forth on the side of his neck, sometimes pulling away and giving small, wet kisses. He loved how he smelled a slight trace of cinnamon. He loved the way how Seonghwa held him making him know that every time Hongjoong fall for him that he is ready to catch.

Unknowingly, a hand sneaked further down on to the younger's ass taking both of them by surprise. The older was about to back away and apologize but Hongjoong grabbed him. "D-Don't stop. It f-feels good."

Maybe he was shy or maybe embarrassed. Either way his words stumbled out with a stutter. His eyes went up to meet the other's brown eyes and he couldn't look away and just kept staring at his growing smile.

"Joongie..." The older asked still not crossing the limit down his waist. "Are you sure you want to continue?"

Hongjoong didn't want to answer but he also knew that they wouldn't continue without his verbal answer. "Yes... but only if you don't regret."

"I would never regret. Not even a bit." Then he dived in to kiss him again, trying to keep himself in control so that he wouldn't hurt the younger . Tapping his bare thigh Seonghwa muttered a 'jump' slightly giving a squeeze on the ass, so that Hongjoong would wrap his legs around his waist while keeping his hands on the shoulders.

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