Positive - Han Jisung × Bang Chan.

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He collapsed on to the tiled floor that attacked his veins with a coldness. His heart was beating hard and fast like a scared squirrel and his hands trembled as he once again checked the pregnancy test that showed a clear positive.

So, was that the reason he always threw up whatever he ate?

Was that reason he felt so lost in between moods?

Dropping the test unconsciously, Jisung curled in to a ball not minding that it was the bathroom floor. All he wanted was to either disappear or dig himself alive. How was he going to face the world? Fuck the world how was he going to face his husband?

Of course he knew that some males does get pregnant but he never wished himself to be one of them. It wasn't that he hated them. Just scared of what he would face in the future.

Jisung started to regret, not asking his lover to use protection. He regretted his whole existence. He didn't wand to leave Chan.

"Baby?" There was knock on the door. Chan was home from work. Jisung panicked and tried to stand up but it was as if he was paralyzed.

"Babe? Are you in here?"

As much as Jisung wanted to go and hug him he couldn't. He wasn't ready. So, he cried suppressing his sobs weakly.

"Here I bought you some cheesecake."

He couldn't answer at all. If he did Chan would probably notice his pathetic tears.

"Ji, you are scaring me. Is he not at home or something?" Jisung heard Chan talking to himself. But unfortunately, Jisung's sniffle was loud enough under the silent surrounding

"Baby? Hannie, you are in there, aren't you? Are you crying? Baby, what happened? Please open the door for me."

Chan was getting worried sick, Han knew well but he couldn't ready himself for the worst.

"If you don't open the door I will come in whether you like it or not. I'll give you five seconds."

Was Chan angry?

Sounded like he was.


Han, hugged the pregnancy test to his chest, tightly closing his eyes.


No, please don't come in, was all that the poor boy could whisper out.


It wasn't the cold air that caused his trembling but the fear of loosing someone he loved. He wished time to move slowly but it felt as if it was happening more quickly


"Five... I'm coming in..."

The door swung open, heavy steps hitting the floor.

"Baby, what happened?"

Jisung was instantly lifted up and placed on Chan's lap and two arms secured him. More and more tears rushed to his eyes and stained the puffed cheeks. He couldn't even breath as he choked.

"Calm down and tell me what's wrong, sweetheart. Slow down. You will suffocate if you cry this hard baby."

Chan's voice was indeed soothing but it wasn't helping at the moment. The older could feel something poking his chest where Han was tightly holding the shirt. His eyes widened.

Was the boy going to kill himself?

He quickly pulled away holding the hand and trying to get whatever Jisung holding but stopped half on his track seeing that it wasn't a knife but a pregnancy test.

Jisung knew that he was done now. He waited Chan to react though he didn't wanted to. Maybe he still had a hopeless hope.

He was so worn out that the older boy could easily take the object. A cursed silence spread across the room.

"Baby, are you... pregnant?"

"I'm s-sorry. I'm really sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry Chan-ah."

Jisung hid his face in his arms moving away from his husband but Chan instead pulled him against his chest tightly holding him.


That one word stopped the time in Jisung's world. He froze not knowing what really was happening.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Jisung you are giving me a family. I should me thankful."

"But I'm pregnant and I'm a boy. You should feel disgusted. Why aren't you blaming me?"

"Baby, why would I be disgusted about you? Not every couple like us gets to have their own baby. No baby, you don't know how much I'm happy right now. God, I love you so much~"

Caressing the smaller boy's soft, autumn brown hair Chan kissed his forehead showing all his love. He truly was happy. From a few months ago he wanted to bring the topic on adopting a child but he didn't know whether Han was ready. But now they don't have to adopt.

"Did you really think I would leave you?"

Jisung felt embarrassed as he sunk further into the latter's neck with a small pout.

"I had reasons, okay? I have seen how other boys get turned down when they are pregnant. People find it weird."

"And I'm not those people, you know that well."

" 'm sorry."

"Its okay now. Do you want to have some cheesecake? It has blueberry toping."

Eagerly, the boy nodded his head still holding on to the older boy as if his life depended on him making Chan chuckle and lift him up to leave to the kitchen. Han inhaled the natural scent that came from him mixed with sweat. People might think it was disgusting but for him it was the bests thing ever. 

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