The History of Evil's Abode

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The article was a real terror. It's terrifying story made all of them pale. The whole article briefly described all the events that took place in that haunted house. That was enough to froze their blood. It described the misery of Alexander's family.

Alexander family was an adorable and cheerful family. They spent a lot of time together. In their family there were five members. Alexander - their father, Olivia - their mother and their three children - Charles, David and Lily. Their father was a rich merchant and they could afford all the luxuries and they indeed do. Their mansion, one of the largest mansions of the town was filled with a variety of luxuries. Everything was going well but their happiness got submerged under the melancholy clouds.

One summer they decided to go to their uncle's farmhouse. His farmhouse was near a forest. Lilly and David were playing near the woods when suddenly their ball entered the forest. David ran into the forest. The forest was under the blanket of silence, the spooky silence. Crushing of dry leaves by David's foot made a faint horrific sound. After a minute the family heard a shrill scream from the forest. They ran towards the sound. They found David bleeding. His face was scratched by an unknown creature. David fainted and was lying on the ground motionless. His hands were cold and his skin looked pale. His face was covered with dark red blood. Alexander carried him towards the farmhouse in hope to save him.

They called the best doctor in town. After five hours of treatment finally David woke up. But the scars covered his whole face. Doctor told that the scars were infected. They tried to cure it but the infection went so deep that they could not do anything. Still the family was happy as to see David back but they were unaware of the pain and sufferings which were waiting for them to demolish their lives forever...

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