Chapter Six

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30th November 2010

"What the hell is happening?" I asked both Scott and Stiles. All I knew was that I was running as fast as I could and we seemed to be in the basement of the school (why we thought trapping ourselves down here is beyond me but I was following the boys who appeared to know what they were doing - on reflection I can guarantee you they didn't have a clue).

Stiles leapt over a table, and he looked back to both me and Scott who hesitated, "come on, get across...come on!" He urged and I was the first to react but I went under it since my own small unathletic self was better at going under things than over them. Scott jumped over the table and something jumped over after us but Stiles slammed a door shut trapping whatever it was chasing after us.

Releasing a breath, I peered up into the window to see what it was. It was certainly not a human being and Stiles seemed to climb up onto the table to get a better look, "what is it?" I asked, looking between them, "because that is not a human or an animal so what is it?" I asked demanding the answer. Nothing was making sense.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked noticing Stiles' actions.

"I just wanna get a look at it..."

"Are you crazy???" Scott asked.

"I agree with him. We should be getting out of here!" I pointed out.

"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out," he said, and as he got up he then turned to look at whatever beast was in the room. It reminded me of the one Allison had shown me and Lydia a picture of, "yeah, that's right! We got you-"

"Will you shut up?" Scott gritted out.

"I'm not scared of this thing!" He assured, peering into the window to taunt the creature, "I'm not scared of you. Right? 'Cause you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any-" he was cut off as the beast jumped up into the vents and all three of us looked up slowly to see it thundering through and breaking the vents above us.

"Er- goodbye," I said to the boys before leaping over the table and they quickly followed after me.

As we ran through the hallways trying to get back to the top level of the floor, Scott skidded to a stop and Stiles grabbed onto my arms to make me stop with them. I understand if they were on some form of suicide mission but I didn't appreciate them dragging me into this mess with them.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Scott asked.

"Hear what?" Stiles countered.

"It sounds like a phone ringing..."

"You've got to be kidding," I groaned out, and Scott's brows furrowed before his eyes went wide.

"I know that ring-- it's Allison's phone."

"Oh thank god," I muttered and the boys looked at me confused, "if we're in a big group then that means I don't have to outrun whatever that thing is. I just have to outrun you lot, right?" I pointed out, and Stiles looked at me offended (probably because I was faster than him).

Stiles pulled out his phone and Scott took it to phone Allison. It didn't take long for her to answer judging on how quickly Scott was speaking, "No, it's me. Where are you?... Where are you right now?... Where? Where are you exactly?... Get to the lobby. Go now." He hung up and began to lead the way back to the 'lobby'.

What kind of school had a lobby? This isn't a hotel it's a school and it's not posh enough to be able to call it a lobby.

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