Chapter Twelve

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30th January 2011

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked as we walked towards the door. Lydia had been found on the 27th and now she was joining us back at school (thankfully since it was rather boring when you didn't have anyone who you were good enough friends with to sit with at lunch).

"They called it a "fugue state," which is basically a way of saying, "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days," she explained turning around to look at both of us with an amused look, "but, personally, I don't care." Me and Allison frowned looking at each other confused, "I lost nine pounds."

Humming, I nodded in understanding. That was always somewhat of an achievement I suppose, "well congratulations," I mused right as we got to the door.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer," Lydia scoffed flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she pulled open the door and I watched her with my eyes wide not knowing whether to say anything or not. That could be considered a little harsh. Humming, I took in a breath before following after her and all three of us stopped in the entranceway.

Everyone had stopped to stare at Lydia and for a moment it looked like she didn't know what to do. Clutching onto the straps of my bag I leant forward so that I could whisper to her, "maybe it was the nine pounds?" I offered and she tilted her head as if thinking about it before she hummed and flicked her hair for another time and stormed off leaving me and Allison to awkwardly follow after her.

For a lady who was five foot three, she was ridiculously fast.

Walking into Chemistry was probably the most disappointing thing to happen in the past year. I'd expected to see my science friend sat in his usual seat ready to guide me out of the dangerous path which would inevitably lead to Mr Harris shouting at me but instead he was nowhere to be seen. Since coming to Beacon Hills I'd never known him to skip a single day of school.

Pursing my lips together, I grabbed onto the edge of my sleeves and walked forward taking a seat in my usual one. I didn't like the fact there was an empty seat next to me.

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked, and I quickly tuned into their conversation. That was a rather strange thing to say; did that mean Derek had chosen Isaac to join the pack? Why would he choose Isaac? He was a rather shy and meek character who could not do anything deliberately if he tried. Unless, that was his reason. The bite was an offer to become someone like Derek, someone with a large presence and who people could never ignore or torment.

I believe it would be hard for Isaac to say no.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you... And maybe teenagers have a better chance at surviving?" That couldn't be true, I had been bitten by a wolf and I was neither turned or dead...Lydia had been bitten by a wolf and she was neither turned or dead, did that mean she was a creature like me?

"Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?"

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence... Or a witness..." Stiles then turned to look at Danny but a new bad feeling grew inside me. It wasn't the usual bad feeling that I got when I thought something terrible was going to happen but instead out of fear that someone was going to change. I didn't want Isaac to become someone else, "wait- Danny, where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office, talking to your dad."

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?" Danny pointed out rather condescendingly, alright Danny not all of us are stalkers and know where everyone else lives.

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