Chapter Thirty-Two

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28th June 2011

Walking forward, the scene I'd watched seemed to play in my head. Over and over and over. All of us had been at a loss when we saw what had happened and I could not... I don't think I can truly understand it. It had started raining so I probably should have just teleported home and yet I found I couldn't. Instead I was walking, and walking, and walking.

I'd been walking for so long I couldn't even tell you which direction I was going in. All I knew was that it was raining heavily and I should probably go home and have a shower. Yet I found I could not.

I was seated with an empty spot beside me. Isaac was supposed to be sat there but he was not, and I wished that he was only because it was Chemistry and I do hate science. I'd already sent him a text asking what was happening but had yet to receive a response. It was strange, he couldn't be ill because he was a werewolf and so that told me that he was doing something supernatural but usually I'd be involved in the supernatural so it's an odd occurrence.

"Good morning!" A chirpy voice called, and I tilted my head to see Miss Jennifer Blake coming into the room. I was no expert but usually people with English degree's weren't exactly the best at teaching science. If we lose our science teacher then I don't think I'm going to pass this class. "As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing-" oh, well he's dead, "I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?"

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation-- they just don't know how," Stiles whispered to Scott, and I glanced over them confused. They still hadn't learnt that a classroom was not the place for private conversations. Interesting.

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?"

"I don't know... But Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital at least, you know? Any one of them could be next," Stiles reminded, it was a dreadful thought to know that anyone could be next. I know statistically speaking there's no reason for any of us to be next and yet I knew that at some point, statistically speaking, one of us had to die.

Scott then pulled out his phone and cowered over the table to answer it 'discreetly', what happened to the earphone in the sleeve of your jumper trick? Surely, there had to be a way to make it work with phone calls as well.

"Hey Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now-- can I call you back later?" It was a few moments later before Scott spoke again, "Doc. Doc, doc, doc-- what's happening?"

He looked up and over at Stiles in horror and I frowned whilst watching them as their voices grew quieter.

Feeling my phone go off, I glanced down at it ignoring Miss Blake's constant yapping to read what was being said, 'we have a plan - get to Derek's now' oh thanks Isaac, so helpful including me last second. It's not like we have more important things to do.

I'd always thought that we were the good guys. In the movies and the books the good guys always win, everybody knows that. Although I suppose it's like what Madeline Miller once wrote, 'name one hero who was can't' and maybe that does make us the hero after all.

But I suppose in real life heroes don't exist. I'd always contemplated whether the books were real, whether the people in the books could truly exist. The heroes, the villains, the side kick's. You're always taught that being a hero and a villain was just depending on who told the story and I always used to agree but not this time.

This time there was no choice to be made. We were not the villains. They were the villains. They were evil.

I appeared at the top of the elevator that led to Derek's loft, just as the elevator opened and Isaac and Boyd stepped out. I'd feigned illness and got myself sent home from school (it was a little too easy if you ask me although I suppose it had taken a moment or two of pretending to gag and making myself look ill; I'd even started crying and blaming Nan's cake although Nan's cake was golden and you'd never get poisoned from that. It was a whole theatrical display and I'm sure they were aching to get rid of me by the end of it).

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