Chapter Twenty-Nine

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20th June 2011

"I know where they are," a voice said cutting Derek off. We looked up from around the table where we'd been going over our plans to take down the Alpha pack. Scott had just walked in and intruded on our conversation.

"Same building as the Argents," Derek said, "we know."

Scott frowned as he looked between us and Boyd was the one to answer his silent question, "Cora and I followed the twins."

"...Then they want you to know." Scott pointed out and Peter shrugged not particularly interested. He had his own thoughts on the plan - he thought going against the Alpha pack was stupid and wouldn't work.

"Or, more likely, they don't care," he said.

Scott then looked around at us all, "what is this?"

" Isn't it obvious? The schemers are scheming," Peter pointed out, I don't think there's ever been a time where he has said anything useful. In fact, most of the time he seemed to be giving running commentaries that only wasted our time. "Coming up with a coup de main-- better known as a pre-emptive strike."

"You're going after them?"

Derek nodded, "tomorrow. And you're gonna help us." Scott walked over to the table and looked over the papers that we had, "they're one floor above them, in the penthouse right about Allison."

"So, kill them first? That's the plan?"

"Well, the plan is to not let them kill us," I corrected.

"They won't even see it coming!" Boyd added on and I tilted my head with narrowed eyes. They probably would see it coming to be fair.

"Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" Scott scoffed, maybe because these people wanted to kill us.

"You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter scoffed, "not that I disagree with him."

"I do!" Cora cut in, "why do we need this kid?"

"This kid helped save your life," Derek reminded before he turned back to look at Scott, "and you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move."

"You can't beat a pack of Alphas."

"That's why we're going after Deucalion-- just him," Cora reminded and Boyd nodded in agreement.

"Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies."

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a Hydra. And, like Scott says, they're all Alphas."

"Deucalion's still the leader," Derek pointed out but Peter looked no more convinced.

"Let's hope so... Because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the Hydra?"

"Two more grew back in its place."

Peter almost looked impressed by that information, "somebody's been doing their summer reading."

I quickly scoffed, "oh please, everybody knows that. That's greek myths 101," I pointed out, "that's like asking whether the guy in the greek myth died or not."

It was late that night when I heard the familiar crash at the window and I glanced over from my place on the other side of the room. I was taking my earrings out and putting them in the little dish that sat on the top of the drawers. Isaac was stood with his usual messy hair and he had his cardigan on. Just like always.

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