Chapter Twenty

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14th February 2011

Pressing my lips together, I checked my bag for the ticket one last time (I'd grown slightly paranoid) before continuing my way. Due to the kanima situation, we were all tasked with going into the rave which was a secret thing that we had to get rather expensive tickets for (granted we hadn't paid for any of them and Isaac had gone hunting around the school and beating people up until they handed over the tickets; I wasn't sure how I felt about that) and we had to find Jackson. Isaac and Erica were meeting up slightly later to arrive whereas I was going to be there from the start.

To fit into the space, I'd gone for a pair of black leather looking skinny trousers (they are as uncomfortable as they sound), a black transparent mesh top that had flowers embroidered onto it and I had a black bandeau beneath that to ensure that I wasn't flashing anyone, and my white skater shoes. I'd left my hair down since I couldn't really be bothered doing anything with it.

After getting in, I trailed my eyes over the crowd to see who I could find. I couldn't see Jackson, Erica, or Isaac but I could see Scott and Allison arguing in the corner whilst Matt was awkwardly hovering a short distance away. He had a scowl on his face and was looking like he wanted to punch them both in the face. I don't blame him; If I went on a date with someone and the date decided to have a conversation with their ex I'd be annoyed too.

I want to know what they're arguing about, but then I suppose it's none of my business. On the other hand, I haven't had any normal drama in a while and I'd quite like to hear it.

Waiting until Scott cleared off, I pushed my way through the crowd until I was next to her, "what was that about?" I asked, and Allison pressed her lips together momentarily.

"I told my dad and Gerard about Jackson-"

My head immediately whipped around to look at her, "you what?!"

"I had to, he's killing people!"

"Yes and now he's going to end up dead as well! Your father wanted to kill Scott just for existing," I reminded, "you tried to save Lydia... you said it yourself that if it was her then we should try and save her you can't just change your mind because it's Jackson. I know he's a dick but he's still a person...I think..." I reminded, "plus no offence but your dad just always gets in the way. He is not helpful." Noticing Matt walking over, I quickly pulled back, "your date wants you."

Turning back into the crowd, I submerged myself to prevent myself from being found by anyone. I needed to try and find Jackson but it was hard to do that when I could barely see what was going on. I missed simply being able to dance and drink and have fun, but I couldn't really do that anymore. It would be nice to be in a situation where no one was trying to kill me, no one was calling me by my mother's name, and I wasn't spending hours training to control a power that I don't even seem to have yet.

Although, I can happily admit these things aren't as fun when you don't have any friends with you.

Shifting my head to the side, I easily spotted Isaac's fluffy head. He had particularly nice hair, I'd give him that credit. He was walking through with Erica and the pair were heading towards a certain spot - Jackson must be there. As if I'd shouted his name, he looked over and we met eyes. He gave a gentle nod and I easily gave one back. I couldn't tell you what it meant, but it meant something.

Manoeuvring my own way through the crowd, I kept a tight grip on the chain of my bag in an effort to ensure it wouldn't get stolen. The blaring lights were making it difficult to concentrate. As I got further, I spotted the familiar fluffy head again and this time Erica, Jackson, and him were all dancing rather intimately. If I didn't know the truth behind what was happening then I'd guess the three were going home together tonight and they were going to do some rather intimate and 'dirty' things, to be honest, I wouldn't actually be surprised if they did.

Into The Truth [Isaac Lahey]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن