Chapter Forty-Six

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12th November 2011

"Hmm, she told me she can train me," I muttered. I was lying on the bed across the bottom half of it and Isaac was sat on the floor leaning against the mattress. He'd been so dismissive about his own situation that I'd given up reminding him that he was too close to death for comfort. "I told her no."


"Because I don't trust her." It was a few seconds later before I smiled reaching out and taking his hand, "you know I rejected the offer of cake for you."

"Oh wow, you must really love me after all," he mused, and giggling I crawled closer to the edge of the bed before allowing my head to drop on his shoulder like we'd done so long ago. "Who would have thought love was rejecting cake for someone."

"Nan's cake as well."

"I must be special," he joked, kissing the back of my hand. Except everything seemed to change then. There was a new look in his eyes that I wasn't familiar with. That I'd never seen before, something dark and evil. Except, it wasn't like how it was before. It wasn't the look he had when he first became a werewolf.

"You know maybe you should let that woman train you... make your power lethal," frowning, I lifted my head and rolled over so that I could see him better, "There's still a few of us out there who aren't quite so non-lethal... like the twins..."

"I thought we were going to give them a second chance?" I asked hesitantly, trying to find where this had come from but I couldn't be sure. It was all so...weird.

"They don't deserve it."

Shaking my head, I reached out to comfort him, "things are different now. It doesn't have to be like that anymore."

It was silent for a second before he stood to his feet. Pushing myself up, I was knelt on the bed watching him confused. "I had a feeling you'd say something like that..." he headed towards the window and I quickly went after him.

"Isaac, wait! Isaac!"

After phoning Allison, I headed to the school trying to find Isaac. It was strange, he wasn't him right now and it didn't make sense but I had to find him before he did something stupid. Even if the twins weren't alpha's they could still fight like alpha's and there was still two of them compared to him. Also, if they're at the school then anyone can see and I'd rather not have to explain to someone why there's three boys looking like creatures out of your childhood nightmare.

Running through the halls I soon found Kira and I skidded to a stop in front of her, "you're supernatural aren't you?" She seemed hesitant, but I didn't have time for hesitancy. Grabbing onto her hand, I pulled her with me looking for any sign of Isaac.

"Coach's office," Kira offered and nodding, we both went towards the room.

As we got there, we found Isaac muttering to himself and he was holding a broken alcohol bottle with a cloth tucked inside it. Said cloth was on fire.

"Oh god..."

Kira pulled out a sword and she raced forward cutting the cloth down so that the fire went out. Isaac turned his head slowly looking at her confused for a second. "Nice sword."

He stepped forward his wolf face showing and rushing in, I grabbed onto Kira's arm and pulled her behind me so that we were in front of the door. "Isaac!" I shouted, and he turned his wolf face to me.

I don't know what this is but I don't like it.

Stepping back, I held out my hand a light glowing in warning. Once we were out of the room, we shut the door and pushed the desk in front of the door so that they couldn't get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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