Chapter Eleven

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 08th January 2011

A song was being hummed. A gentle song that was so soft it would carry you with the waves and into the gates of heaven itself. "You're awake?" A voice asked, and I forced my eyes open only to be greeted by a blue sky. It was so beautiful. Besides me, there was a collection of various flowers all different colours and giving different scents.

Pushing myself up, I looked over to the silhouette beside me. I couldn't tell you who they were or what they look like but they seemed so calm in the meadow we were in. "You're going to have to fight now."


"Only light can come from darkness but the two can never understand each other nor ever be together..." they trailed off singing the song as they did and slowly their hand reached out grabbing onto my wrist and their touch burnt my skin, "when it's over. When the battle has been me in the meadow. You'll do that for me, won't you darling? You'll meet me in the meadow?"

Bolting up, I looked around the room carefully to ensure myself there was no threat of danger within my room. There was nothing but that did not mean I trusted the shadows that crept over every crook.

It had been just short of a month. I'd woken up in the hospital after Peter had bitten me. I'd spent a week in there with my Nan watching over me and looking after me as she always did. I'd spent the next few weeks in bed never leaving except for Christmas day when me and Nan had a family Christmas dinner as we always did. I didn't see my dad either.

Falling back down onto the bed with a faint grimace of pain, I watched the ceiling carefully. It felt so dull now. I still couldn't tell you why I was bitten or what I supposedly was or what powers I even had. Not for definite but I had a feeling that I knew someone who could tell me. Taking in a deep breath, I pushed myself back up before grabbing onto a set of clothes.

I couldn't spend much longer waiting around anymore.

There were so many questions and yet I had so few answers.

Pulling the jumper over myself and pulling on the skirt, I slipped my feet into white trainers before grabbing onto my phone and keys. Not wanting to go through the faff of brushing my hair I threw it into a messy bun before sneaking out of the house.

"I want to know how you know and what you know about my mother."

Derek looked down at me with his arms crossed and his brow raised as if I was a five-year-old knocking on his door asking for sweets on Halloween. I suppose in a way, I was. It had taken a while to find him, but I had found him. He'd been collecting stuff from the Hale house (so it looked like I was fortunate to arrive when I did otherwise I probably wouldn't know what I wanted to do).

"Of all the questions in the world that's what you want to know?"

"I have a feeling the answer to those questions will answer many more," I countered.

He narrowed his eyes as if contemplating it for a moment before he nodded, "alright, but it's going to cost you."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to join me."

Furrowing my brows I looked at him confused, "your powers and your skills once trained and refined would be an asset to myself and my pack," he didn't have a pack, what was he talking about? "So I want you to join me and my pack. It's beneficial for you as well. There'll be hunters after you now and you need someone to help you learn how to use your powers."

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