I would kill for that girl

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5 years later

"Thank you." Deanna said as she got her coffee from the Starbucks near her home.

She's free. Thanks to Bea and Jema. She's a part-time consultant and Bea's second secretary at Caplan and Goulde as they became the number law firm in the country. 

Bea, became the country's best defense attorney along side with the others that helped Deanna walk out free. Her relationship with Joanna became stronger as the time goes and is planning their wedding the following year.

"Good night. Have a great weekend." Ced bid her goodbye to Deanna who still sits tight in her office, non-stop clicking and typing. She waved back at Ced and resumed typing on her laptop.

"Still on that case?" Bea said as she entered her room using the door that separates their rooms. "That case closed for months. She closed it already. She already gave up. You should too."

Deanna stopped typing and lean on her seat. "I can't. Not like this. I promised. We'll get her out of her mess. We'll fix it."

"She already cleaned it. Deal's done. And she's not here anymore."

"How can you be okay with that?"

"Because she said herself. Look, Jema is, as I knew her, she's a strong women. She won't back down from a fight. She's doesn't need your help. But I do. I need your help, I hired you to help me with cases. So, I would like you to stop with that and focus on doing your job."

"Good night Bea."

Bea nodded slowly as she know that she can't persuade Deanna.

"I'm sorry about Jema. I know you still love her and she back. But to be honest. She did the right thing."


"Years after the Deanna Wong case, a concern citizen found a mysterious bag that was near their home, near Pasig river area. She called the police immediately and the police found a sniper rifle in that bag and now on the search of the person who owns the lethal weapon. Back to the studio."

"Did you own that?"

"No, I didn't. I haven't seen that."

"You sure?"

"Yes." Deanna looked at Bea's eyes directly as she answers her boss' questions.

"Okay. If that's the case, then that person, who owns the rifle, she should be the one that locked up now. Not Jema."


Jema, went back to New York months after Bea's suggestion to pin everything to Fhen, which she eventually did after months of trial, she went back to where she thinks she belongs. Her mom, voluntarily checked herself in an elderly home while she was lucid enough to make decisions.

She was standing from the hotdog stand where she was buying her lunch, when she got an email informing what the police has discovered. Her knees wiggled and had to sit down.

She went back from her little apartment. She lost her job, her house, her reputation and her mom. She knew that she lost Deanna and Bea, too. She lost almost everything.

Jema closed the deal, and served a year in the prison. But that's not the hardest part for her. It was when she got out and found out that everything falls apart.

She opened her laptop to read the email that has sent to her by Bea, but she received another one from Deanna. Half of her brain wasn't expecting a word from Deanna and the other half says otherwise. She convinced herself that Deanna was angry at her for leaving without saying a word.

The police checked the rifle and we are hoping that it leads to someone. I miss you. Please atleast respond.

She gazed at her message for another minute before pressing her thumb and index finger to her eyes. A lot of emotions were rushing to her brain as she was trying to formulate what to do next.

She finally came up to her original plan. Spend the evening scrolling to Jobs website to find a decent job to cater her needs.

She landed on part time gig as a clerk in a small law firm downtown.

"This will be your table." Jasmine says as she pointed out an old desk at the corner in a medium sized room.

There was a look of disappointment from Jema's look as she wasn't used to work with other people on the room and Jasmine noticed it.

"I believed in you."

"What?" Jema asked.

"When you took the stand, in your trial. I believed that she really did that."

"Ah." Jema said without any emotions.

"Okay. Good luck on your first day. Paper work's already in your table."

"Thank you!"

Kill me now. Jema whispered to herself while walking towards her table and started on typing on her laptop.


Jasmine heard a knock and her new employee was standing at the door frame holding the pile of papers that she already finished. She smirked on the talent that this girl possess. "You can actually go if you're finished."

Jema nodded. "Thank you."

Jasmine looked at the place where Jema stood and spoke one word before she walked out.

She's really good. Man. I would kill for that girl.

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