We'll get you out, too.

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2 years earlier

"Attorney Galanza, here are the papers that you need."  She circled her temple.

For the past month she had been dwelling with a lot of cases and more coming.

"Thanks Jel."

Her phone rang the moment her assistant, Jelly, put the papers in front of her. She looked at the caller ID and it was the private nurse that she hired to look after her mom.

"You're welcome." Jel answered before going out of her room.

Jema picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey. Something wrong?"

She heard Nathan panting from the other line. "Uhm, yes." He answered in a very native English accent.

"What happened?"

"Your mom."

"What?! What happened to her?" Panic and worry evident on her voice.

"I went out to get the milk that I ordered for her and for a moment I stepped out to answer a call, when I got back to her room, she's not there and I went to look for her Toyota Prius. It's not there anymore, too."

Jema stood up to get her keys and wallet. "Oh, Nathan. Why..?"

"I'm so sorry Jema, I know its my fault."

"Okay let's just forget about this for a moment and help me find her okay?" She dropped the call and almost literally ran towards her car. Not minding the heels that she's wearing.

Her mom have been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. It's a form of Dementia that affects, most commonly on elderly, the capacity of remembering things even how to tie a shoe. They usually remember events that made an impact on their lives.

Jema opened her GPS that was tied on the Toyota Prius and found her on the 3rd street of near her office.

Its the restaurant where Jema introduced her then girlfriend, now fiance, Fhen to her mom.

The car pulled inside an underground parking, that made the GPS gone.

"Oh shit." Jema cursed and hurriedly drove to the place.


"When I got there. It was a scene that I would never, ever, ever thought that I would see in my entire life." Jema said as she recall the moment when she got into the parking space. "She.. uhm, my mom was standing in front of a body. She was just looking down at it like, she was wondering why isn't it moving?"

"It was dark there because it was underground, so I need to get closer to her. When I did, I saw my mom standing, and my fiance... lying on the ground."

"She ran over her. Si..." She composed herself first. "Sinasagasaan sya ni mama. I asked why, she said that Fhen's been cheating. Of course I didn't believed her. She has dementia. She's not on the right mind. But what I didn't realized is, I wasn't too, that time."

"I asked my mom to park her car away from the scene and I will clean it later. Uhm, I asked her to go to the restaurant and ask if you could just use the bathroom so that we have an alibi why we were there and then we'll leave. I did what I had planned. They ruled it accident. I kinda used my power, and until now, it still is an accident."

Deanna and Bea was just looking at her.

"Wow." Bea broke the ice. "That... is... too much."

"I know." Jema agreed.

"So, you really did covered it up." Bea asked again.

"Yes, and I didn't know how Maddie knew it, cause nobody knows it, besides Kyla, and she wouldn't do that to me."

"You don't know Maddie." Deanna finally talked. "She'll do just about everything. She must've asked someone from New York to dig dipper."

"But Jema, you have to understand, we still can't rule out Kyla. You have to talk to her."

"I know Kyla, she wouldn't do that." Jema looked down in embarrassment.

Deanna stood up and sat in front of her.

"Don't worry, we'll get this through. You got me out of my mess, we'll get you out, too."

"Thanks!" Jema said and smiled sadly.

Deanna nodded and caressed Jema's hands using her thumbs.


"And on the other news, as the previously primary suspect of killing Matthew Madayag, Deanna Wong was proved innocent, the family members of Congresswoman Maddie Madayag announced that they will give a prize to whoever has information on who killed her brother." The news reported said.

"In addition, the supporters of the Congresswoman are conducting a rally outside of the supreme court...."

It showed a group of people holding slogan's that says 'Murderer on loose', 'Justice for Madayag', and many other more.

"Aren't they supposed to be on Mendiola?" Jhoana asked Jia.

"Tanga. Hindi naman kelangan consistent yung lugar." Jia said.

Alyssa was just looking at them and shaking her head no in disappointment.

Jema, Bea and Deanna, on the other hand, are all inside on Jema's room and thinking of ways to prove that she's innocent.

"Can't we just say that your mom has Dementia and she was not stable at the moment of the accident?" Deanna suggested.

"We can, but they would bring her to a hospital." Bea answered.

"That's a good thing right? I mean..."

"They would lock her up, not treat her." Jema rebutted.

Deanna slowly nodded her head. "I... I ran out of things to suggest." She raised her hands in defeat.

"I can't afford to send her to a prison or hospital. She'll get stressed out." Jema said to Bea trying to get some help from her boss. 

"Did Fhen really cheated?" Bea asked.

"Why? Does it matter?"

"Yes." Bea said and instantly, Jema understood what she wanted to happen. So, she snapped.


"Who would you rather? You? Your mom?"

"I thought you are a clean player?!"

"I am, but I have been up for nights since you said that... and that was 1 week ago. I don't see any other way that you can get out of that."

"We can't.. I can't..." Jema said with a lot of confusion.

"Wait, what is happening?" Deanna asked with confusion, too.

"In defense law we have these step by step basic things. First is to discredit the witness. Second is to introduce a new suspect." Bea explained. "And I am suggesting a new one."

"Which is not gonna happened." Jema argued.

"Uhm..." Deanna still puzzled.

"I'm trying to point my finger to another suspect, which is Fhen."

"So, if... they pin it to her... a dead person." Deanna trying to figure out.

"Jema and her mom would be acquitted." Bea explained.

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