"The Deanna Wong"

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"What... are you doing here?"

"Hello, too. Babe." Jasmine said with a huge smile on her face. Excited to see her girlfriend.

Jema poked her head outside her room to scan the hallway.

No Deanna.

She jogged, almost ran towards her laptop, to check if there was really an email from Deanna.

There was.

"You okay babe?" Jasmine asked her as she put her bags on the floor and removed her shoes. She walked towards her and hugged her.

Jema slammed her laptop shut. Avoiding Jasmine to see what she was looking at.

"Yes. Hi." She kissed her girlfriend on the lips and the other moaned with the gesture.

"Hi. I missed you."

"I missed you, too. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted a little vacation and I wanted to see you. So I booked a flight and here I am."

"But I have a flight in about 5 hours. So you're are gonna be here alone."

"Yeah about that. You should cancel that. Because, we are going to Siargao this weekend. Relax a bit. I know you have been in this conference that is feeling like 5 years, so I know you need a little break."

"Okay." Jema said with confusion.

Jasmine looked around for food and saw the empty bucket of chicken. "You ate all of that?" She asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah I was stress eating."

"You know what, you go ahead and order me a hotel food and I will cancel your flight." Jasmine was about to open her laptop when Jema reached for it.

"There is no charge. My laptop's dead."

"I just saw slammed it hard."

"Uhm, you should order. I mean I don't know what you want and I don't know what they serve here so..."

"Babe, you know what I want. I love pasta. Any pasta meals." Jasmine looked at her with squinted eyes. "Are you really okay? You seem on edge."

Jema was thinking. Trying to look for a fast way out of this conversation. "Yes. I am on edge. I keep thinking about this expansion worldwide thing and I think, I should accept it. I'm writing for Mr. Cho about how we should meet when I get back..."

"Yeah baby, about that, too."

"What, hindi tuloy?" Oh thank God. Jema thought.

"Oh, tuloy. Tuloy na tuloy. In fact, uhm vacation is not my only purpose here. They want me to talk to a law firm about partnering with them. They want the best for Philippine branch. That's why they want you and they want them."

"Which firm?" Jema asked.

Please don't say C and G.

Please don't say C and G.

Please don't say C and G.

Please don't say C and G.

Jema's little prayers inside her head.

"I'm meeting with C and G's Bea de Leon tomorrow."

"Oh fuck." She expressed out loud.

"Whoa, language."

"Sorry. I... just didn't expect them wanting to collaborate with such a big firm when they are just staring here. Maybe start with a smaller firm, you know, then tip toe their way upwards."

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