1: love at first sight

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People come and go in our lives. Some leave traces and some might not. Some filled us a little too much that when they left, the void is too large, and it's usually too hard to cope with the silence. 

War take a deep breath, face towards the sky as he closes his eyes. He sat on his chair in front of his white canvas, a paint brush on his hand yet his mind was as blank as the canvas in front of him. He feels sad, hurt, empty and lonely. He felt betrayed and wondered what went wrong. 

War likes to paint in a peaceful environment, he would regularly go to this certain place where there's usually no people around. 

One day, Yin stumbled upon the place while he was taking pictures around. The moment he lay his eyes on the man who elegantly swayed the paint brush around the canvas.

He fell in love. It was love at first sight. 

He had never seen such a breathtakingly beautiful person, and when he concentrated on his painting, he became multiple times more attractive. Yin couldn't help but sneakily take pictures of him. 

Sneakily watching the painter and admiring him from afar became his routine. He wondered why the painter had such a sad expression, it made his heart ache, yet he fell in love deeper and deeper. 

Yin decided that he wanted to do a solo photo exhibition and worked on it for several weeks, so he didn't have much time to see his little crush. 

One day, he thought, maybe he should give a shot talking to the beautiful painter and maybe ask him out on a date. 

Hoping that he'd be there, he prepared to look his best, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he nervously went to the place he regularly goes to, only to find that there was no one around. 

He thought maybe he's too early.. So he waited, but even after the sun had set, the painter didn't come.

"Maybe he came but went home early"

He convinced himself

He went to the place the next day, and days after days, but the painter never showed up. Giving up, Yin went home sadly. He scolded himself for not trying to talk to the painter earlier. 

                   ×   ×     (*´ω'*)     ×   ×

Hii, did y'all miss me?

I've been working on this story these past few days and managed to complete it today. And I'll try to update them twice of thrice a week!

I'll try to continue the other ongoing stories as well!

Thank you for waiting for me and I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I enjoy writing them.

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In My Heart | Yinwar |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz