13: The right one will stay.

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|At Bever's house when War got home | 

"I'm home" War announced

"Where have you been? " Bever asked

"I was taking a walk"

"By yourself? "

"Of course. Like I always did ???? "

"Hnmm are you sure you were alone? "

"What makes you think that I'm not? "

"You look a little too happy"

"Shut up I'm not"

"Did you meet that guy again? "

"Who?.... Oh " 

"Yeah you know who I'm talking about? "

"Well I was alone, originally, okay? He was there when I arrived the seaside to watch the sunset"

"So you watched the sunset together? "

"Well.. Yeah… "

"Ooohhh romantic" Bever wriggles his eyebrows. 

"Stop it"

"Are you shy now? "

"Beverrrr" War whines

Bever laughed. 


 After that day, Yin and War met a few more times by chance, and some days they did contact each other. Each day, they got closer, and they would share conversations talking about different topics. They get comfortable and easily form friendships. 

Thursday after dinner, War was picking out his outfit to wear for the next day. 

"What are you doing? " Bever asked

"Nothing, just checking my clothes"

"Why are you acting like you're preparing for a date? "

"... "

"Wait- are you? "

"No it's not. It's not a date"

"Ooohh Wanarat. Are you going for it? "

Bever teased

"No I don't think"

"Why not? He seems like a good person"

"He thinks I have a boyfriend"

"HE WHAT? who? "


"WHAT? Why? "

"I don't know. He just assumed"

"Okay.. And you didn't tell him that I'm not?? "

"No.. "

"Again.Why? "

"I don't know.. "

"Oh god. Poor guy. Give him a chance War"

"I'm not sure"

"But you like him"

"Excuse me. no I don't"

"exCuse mE nO i DoN't"

"Beverr!! " War whines

"What? You obviously like him too. Why not give it a chance?"

"Should I?"

"That's what I've been saying"

"But I'm scared I'll- "

"War, listen to me," Bever held War's shoulder, "You're stronger and better than this. I've told you a million times but here I go again. Don't give the bastard the satisfaction. Move on, live your life, do what you enjoy, give a chance to new love, if that doesn't work either, then fuck it, there's plenty of fish in the sea. They're just not the right one. The right one WILL STAY. "

"Bever I-,  Thank you"

"Hey are you crying? "

"No.. " War sniffles

"Hey I'm sorry, was I too harsh?"

"No, no. I'm so thankful I have you. Really. Thank you Bever" 

"Gotchu" Bever finger gun at him and winked. 

They both burst into laughter. 

"So a date huh? "

"I told you it's not a date"

"Okay..? Please elaborate it for this handsome young man, your highness"

War scoffed

"It's just. There's going to be a school event, and he was hired to be a photographer, so he invited me to go along with him" 

"That's a very good start. Did he know you used to help in school before? "

"I don't think so, I never told him"

"Hnm, it's a good coincidence. Well then you must look nice. Let me help" 

"Nah it's not that necessary"

"Of course it is. Now shut up and follow my guide"

"Yes Sir".

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