19 : for eternity!

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"Thank you all for coming to grace this auspicious occasion of the opening of Wong Gallery, and my first solo exhibition.

A few years back, I was actually working on my first solo exhibition but I got distracted as my crush disappeared, and I was busy looking for him.

But now that I think back, that was probably not the right time to do an exhibition, Heavens had planned all these for me all along, and now, I'm able to fulfill my dream of hosting my solo exhibition, owning a gallery, and best of all, I finally got the man of my dreams.

Two souls don't find each other by simple accident, is what I believe."  He smiled

"Sometimes, I think that I'm in a dream, and afraid that he'll disappear, I would hug him tightly, until he bit me"
Yin laughed

"And then I would realise I wasn't in a dream at all. I am so thankful to have met War, the love of my life. You complete me, and without you I can't function at all.

You own my heart, and sitting  next to you is like taking a sip of eternity, the sun, the stars, the sky, never tasted so good.

Today marks our 7th year of dating anniversary. Thank you for being with me all these years. And I would like to ask, if you don't mind, would you like to spend an eternity with me?"  

Yin walked to War, and people cheered as they automatically cleared the way for the couples. 

"Marry me? We'll get more cats "
Yin asked hopefully, offering a ring as he knelt down. 

"Hnm..tempting. Choose a hand"
War offered both his fisted hands. 

Yin chuckled but still played along with his lover. Yin tapped on the left hand and War opened it. 

"Well aren't you going to put the ring on?"

Yin's eyes widened. 

"Is that a Yes? 

" Yes! " War's eyes sparkled under the room lights.

Grinning from ear to ear, Yin hurriedly put the ring into War's beautiful finger. 

 "He said,'' Yes! "
He announced, and gave the love of his life a twirl hug, earning cute giggles from War. 

They stopped for a second to look at each other and leaned in to kiss. Yin's hands on War's waist and War's arms around Yin's shoulder. As Yin deepened the kiss , War smiled between it. 

Guests cheered them loudly, whistles could be heard and sounds of camera clicking. 

Yin raised a toast, " For eternity "

"I don't know, eternity sounds..quite long, Mr Wong" 

Everyone laughed. 

"You can't back out now, Mr soon-to-be-Wong, you already wore the promise ring" 

War teased Yin as he tried to pull out the ring, earning a whine from Yin. 

"Ah it stuck. Then, for eternity, I guess" 

War sighs dramatically. 

They all raised a toast happily. 

Yin and War pressed their foreheads together. 

"I love you" 

"I love you too"

×    ×    ×


The main story ends here.
But there will be some extras.
That is why I haven't put the "END" here yet.

Read the next page.


In My Heart | Yinwar |Where stories live. Discover now