15: little Prince

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"So you guys broke up? "

"Yeah.. "

"It's for the better. He was an idiot! You were too good for him. "

War chuckle

"Now tell me you don't have a lover right now"

"I don't"

"Good! " 

War laughed " Why?"

"I know someone who likes you"
Frame wiggles her eyebrows at him. 

"Who? Yin? "

"You knew!? "

"We'll he's pretty obvious"

"He's cute isn't he?He told me he had a crush, but who would've thought it'd be you! " 

"What did he say? "

"Oh he talked about how he saw you by chance when you were painting, and that he thought you never noticed him"

"He's so funny. You know, at first I felt uncomfortable with others being there. But when I saw his face and after watching his actions taking pictures around, I instantly thought he's a good person. "

"Right? Some people tends to get afraid of him because of his aura but, once they stopped and watch him, once they knew him, they'll know how much he's an angel an heart"

"You seemed to know a lot about him"

"Why? Jealous"

"Pft who's jealous"

"He's my baby brother"


"Yeah. Well, cousins actually. We're very close"

"I see. That explains"

"Explains what?"

"You're both really kind"

"And we both love you"

War chuckle

"I'm guessing you're having a hard time being in a relationship again?"

"To be honest, yes.. "

"Totally understandable, take your time, but not too long, I'm afraid you'll miss the best things that might've happen in your life"

"Like Yin? "

"Like Yin"

They both laughed. 

"Please give my little brother a chance, he thought you have a lover, and he's sad every day, and every night" 

"Yeah, must clear that up"

"Please do. And War? "

"Hnm? "

"What do you think about him? "

"Yin? "


"He's a great guy, kind..handsome.. "

Just when he said those words, Yin came beside them and heard it, although of course he thought War was probably talking about his boyfriend. 

"It's about to start" Yin announced

"Ah yes, let's go" Frame said

Everyone had fun and the event ended well. Yin took lots of pictures for everyone and they all went along well. 

When Yin and War was about to leave Yumi pulled Yin's hand. 


"Yumi. Did you have fun? "

She nodded and gestured him to bend down. 

" P'Yin, is Little Prince the person you like?"

She whispered to his ear. 

Yin nodded 

"I think he's pretty"

"I think he's pretty too, and you're pretty too Yumi"

"Really? "

"Of course, always be a good girl, okay? "

"Yes. Best of luck P'Yin! "

"Thank you Yumi" He pat her head. 

"We'll be leaving now" he announced 

"We had fun, get home safely everyone" 

War added

"Bye Little Prince..Bye P'Yin… "

They all bid their goodbyes and Yin drove off to drop War home. 

"It's still early, let's get something to drink"

War suggested

"Are you sure? "

"Of course, come on, we can go home after we watch the  sunset" 

"Okay Little Prince"

"Pls shut up"

Yin chuckled. 

                              ×    ×    ×    ×


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