14: coincidence

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The next morning, both Yin and War got up a little too early. 

Yin mustered up courage and called War and asked for his address so that he could pick him up. 

When he arrived there, War was already outside the house. 

He looked breathtakingly stunning and beautiful, Yin forgot how to breathe. 

"H-Hi" War said shyly

"Hi.. " Yin's voice trailed off when he saw the man who he thought was War's boyfriend. 

"Hello" He wished Yin

"Hello" Yin bowed his head as he wished back

"When are you going out?" War asked Bever

"Maybe an hour later"

"Okay. Shall we go? " War said to Yin


"Bye, enjoy your day" Bever waved at them. 

He sent thumbs up to War but Yin doesn't seem to be aware of it. 


"Wait. Here? " War asked, when they arrived at the school. 

"Yes. Is there a problem? " 

Yin asked, feeling concerned, and afraid that he doesn't like the place and would want to go back home. 

"No. I- , This is my old school"

"I'm sorry- wait what? "

"Yeah. I grew up here. What a coincidence" War said excitedly

"It sure is. I'm so glad"

As they get inside, much to Yin's surprise, the teachers and some students called War. 

"War? " 

"P' Frame! " 

"Where have you been, why haven't you visited us! "

"I've been going through some shit and all. I'm so sorry" 

"Wait, did that bastard!?? "

War laughed "You sound like Bever"

"Tell me all about it later"

"Sure thing"

"Now tell me, did you hear about our event? Is that why you came? "

"Yes. Actually, Yin here invited me and I came here to assist him, not knowing it's this school! Crazy right!? "

"Crazy! How did you guys know each other? "

"Oh well, we actually just met here properly, though we've seen each other before" 

"Oh? What kind of destiny is this? So you took my car to pick up my little Prince? Yin, so he's- ?? What a coincidence! " 

"So it seems. You both seemed to get along well" Yin said

"Yeah, I used to work here for a bit in the past and came here to help them when I visit"

"He's our favourite art teacher. Our little Prince. We all love him."

War giggled

"Our Little Prince?" Yin raised his eyebrows, feeling amused

"Don't laugh" War glared at him

"I'm not laughing" Yin raised his hands defensively, grinning ear to ear. 

"What is there to laugh about? Our Little Prince is cute"

"P'Frame.. Can you at least not add the little part already! " War whined. 

"Why not? It's cute.., plus it's how everyone calls you anyways"

"It's all because of you hmph"

"Aww why are you so cute? " Frame squish War's cheeks. 

Yin chuckle

"Well you two catch up, I'll go set up my things" Yin said as we walked away. 

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