21.1 Christmas Special🎄

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[ This happened between Chapter 16 and 17 ]

'I'll miss you' War frowns

'Me too, love, me too' Yin said softly.

They both lay down on their bed, War's head on Yin's chest. Yin softly plays with War's curls.

'Should we tell our family about us now?'

'Yeah, how about we take this holiday as an opportunity to tell them? ' War suggests

'That's a great idea' Yin agreed

'But... ' War's voice trails off.

'Hnm? What is it? '

'What if.. What if your family doesn't like me? '


'What if your parents don't approve of me? '


'What if-'

'Babeee, stop. They're going to love you, I promise'


'You're not convinced aren't you'


Yin chuckled

'Seriously, they'll love you. Who wouldn't? You're so adorable!! '

War pouts

'And your pout is so cute, you're so pretty, so beautiful, you're so talented, creative, so kind, so amazing, why are you so perfect? Who wouldn't love you?'

'Yin' War choked out, holding in his tears.

'I love you', Yin said to War, rubbing War's back tenderly.

'I love you too'.

It's the first Christmas after they got together and they really wanted to spend time together, but both their families wanted them home for Christmas, so there's really nothing they could do but do as they're told; promising each other to text and call.


| War's Home |

'Mom? I'm home!! '

War announced as he stepped inside his home, the warmness inside the house soothes his cold body, and the scent of his mother's home cooked meals hits his nose. He took a deep breath.

'Son! '

'Yes Mom'

'Oh my baby, I've missed you so much'

His mother gave him a hug.

'I miss you too, Mom'

'Are you eating well? Why are you so thin? '

His mother asked worriedly, squishing his cheeks.

'Of course I'm eating well. But I miss your meals so much'

'Really? Then why won't you come home if not asked huh? I guess you don't really miss me at all'

His mother pouts.

'I'm sorryyy, I'll try to come home often'

War pouts back at his mom, earning a hard pinch on his cheeks.

Now you can imagine where War gets his cute pouts from.

'Aah it hurts! '

'You deserves it'

'Where's everyone? '

War asked, rubbing his cheeks where his mother pinch him.

'Your sisters are helping me in the kitchen, your dad went out to pick up your uncle's family, they're staying here for the holidays'


Yin's Home

'I'm home' Yin announced

'Ah I missed you, did you arrive safely? '

His mother asked, giving him a warm hug.

'Yes mom, I miss you too'

'Hey bro' His brother walked past them carrying Christmas Cakes.


'Son', It was his Dad.

'Dad' They hugged as his dad pats his back.

'Are you hungry? ' His mother asked

'Yeah. I wasn't even hungry until now. The scent of your food makes me hungry now'

His mother laughed.

'Great. Let's eat. We were all waiting for you to eat'

After they had dinner, Yin freshens up and makes a call. He had a call with War for a while until War was summoned by his family.

Yin sat on his bed playing with his phone and a knock came on his bedroom door. He looked up to his parents who stood by his door as his door was not closed.

'Oh? What is it? ' Yin asked

'We're here to tell you something'

His mother said as he sat on the bed beside Yin.

'Hm? '

'We're actually not spending Christmas here'

His mom started.

'What do you mean? ' Yin

' We're going to spend it with our.. Family friend'

'Oh? Then why am I home if you're going to spend somewhere else? '

'Of course you need to be there too'

'Do I need to? '

'Yes! '

'Okay... '

'Mom is sorry, you must be really tired, but we need to go tomorrow morning'

'It's okay, how do we go? '

'By Car' His dad answered


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Late Merry Christmas wishes to y'all.

I originally planned to post this special chapter on Christmas Day, but I had some problems, so here it is.

I actually haven't complete writing all, but I'm afraid I'll be too late, so I divided them up and uploaded these first. I will post the others soon!

After the special chapters, I'll post the "Aquarium Date" Special Chapter too, so stay tuned! 💗

Best Wishes to you all✨✨


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