10: famous photographer

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The next day, Yin was quick to go out hoping he'll get to meet War again, but War was nowhere to be found. 

He ate,then after, he went around to a few places, taking pictures. 

"Yin? "

A woman's voice called him

"P'Frame?? "

"What are you doing here?" 

She asked cheerfully

"I'm on a little vacation"

"Why didn't you contact me? Where do you stay? "

"I forgot you're here. I stayed at the hotel"

"Why waste money when your family's house is here? Come move your things"

"Should I?"

"Yes you should. I'll send you our address"

"Okay. Thank you! "

"By the way, you brought your camera, right? "

"Yeah, it's here"

"Good. We have a little programme for our school next Friday. Will you have time to be our photographer? "

"Yeah I do have time. I'll be there"

"Ah, thank you! My students wanted to meet you, it's such a good opportunity for them too"

"Your students know me? "

"You're a famous photographer, of course they know you"

"I doubt you. You tell them about me didn't you"

"No…  they really did like your photography. I only bragged a little that you're my little brother"

Yin laughed

"So where are you heading to? " Yin asked

"To school"

"Oh. Are you bringing those? " 

Yin asked, referring to the big bags she held. 


"Lemme help"

"No it's okay, take your time exploring the place, it's your vacation, I already book your time for Monday, it's enough"

"Nah I don't really have anything I want to do right now, I'll help"

He said as he took the bags from her hands. 

"Aah then thank you, you're as kind as ever, just like me" 

"What the heck? " He laughed

~  ~  ~

"Mister Mister"

Little girl pulled the hem of his shirt

"Yes? "

"Are you P'Yin? "

"Yes I am" 

He smiled at her

"Are you going to be our photographer? "

Another kid asked

"Yes. Would you like that? "

"YES! " They said in unison which made Yin chuckle 

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