9: destiny?

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"What took you so long to pick up the call? "

Yin whined to his best friend. 

"Hello? Excuse me. I'm a very busy man"

"Yeah right. Dude his name is War Wanarat! "

"Huh?? Be more specific please??? "

"That painter I've been looking for. His name is War Wanarat! " Yin repeated excitedly

"Oh yeahh. Well done bro! How did you find out? "

"We had a chat today"

"What? You talked to him? Where? When? How!? I'm proud of you man"

"Actually, he's the one who talked to me first. Must thank my wallet for this. "

Yin laughed

"Wait wait, let me guess. So, you dropped your wallet and then he found it and returned to you and then you got to talk to your crush? "

Prom summarizes his guess excitedly

"Yep. That's exactly how it was" 

Yin chuckled

"Must be destiny"

"Maybe, maybe"

"So what you guys talked about? "

Prom asked curiously

"He asked if I was not with my camera today"

"Ooh observant I see. But wait. How did he know… ? "

"He figured I'm a photographer long before. He said he noticed me when I invaded his secret place"

"What!? That's good! He noticed you, you got his name, you talked to him, and what else, did you get his number? "

"... "

"You forgot to ask, didn't you? "

"Shit. Why didn't I ask!? But, maybe he'll not give me his number though"

"Why not?? "

" He has a lover, remember?? "

"Hol up hol up. Dude, you confirmed he has a  lover? "

"... No..? "

"Then? "

"But I'm sure it's his boyfriend. They seemed to be close and happy and all. Maybe I should give up"

"Please stop lying. I know you're not going to give up, not until you confirm whether he has a lover or not"

Yin chuckle

"I'll try. But Will I ever get to meet him again? I don't even have his phone number"

"I'm sure you will. Best of luck bro"


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