Chapter Three

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"Never trust anyone, Daniel, especially the people you admire. Those are the ones who will make you suffer the worst blows."
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Dedication: @boldly_ (for her sweet comment on chapter two)



Next day, I head to school with a runny nose and several coughs. I shouldn't have spent the whole night in the freezing cold but now, it is too late to regret. I wipe my nose constantly and avoid people staring at me because it's not so frequent that you can see me sick. Maybe it's one of the rarest times ever. Well, I cough and sometimes sneeze and each time, without an exception, I curse.

One of those times, I'm standing at my locker, absolutely spending time till the next class starts because I don't really take anything from my locker since it is empty. I don't study for lectures or do homework so I sometimes ask myself while attending whatsoever? I couldn't find the answer yet. I wipe my nose billionth time since morning and then, a sneeze escapes from my mouth. I cover my mouth with my hands, cursing while wiping it once again with the wet tissue.

"Bless you," someone says behind me and I abruptly turn to check. Calvin.

I roll my eyes. "Thanks." I say with my rather thicker voice due to the flu.

"Are you okay?"

"How do I look?" I snap. "I am fine."

"Seems like someone isn't a morning person."

I look at him, and he seems quite amused by the situation. "Why did you come?"

"I don't know – I wondered if you are okay after yesterday."

"Now, since you checked, fuck off." I don't understand why this guy suddenly assumes that we are friends just because he insisted as hell and then, helped me with my scars. It was a one time thing – he is not my friend or anything at all. He looks at me, bemused and a bit hurt. "What are you staring at, puppy? Didn't you hear? Fuck off." I shoo him with my hands.

"You are impossible." He huffs, still staring at me in disbelief.

"Then, don't mess up with me."

"But yesterday–"

"Damn you, it is today." I scoff. Then, I spot Richard at the corridor. "Look, your master is coming, go to him." I point at Richard and he looks at me. Then, he walks to us and I see Calvin is still looking at me in disbelief. What is so surprising about my behaviour anyway? I am always the bitch.

"Is something wrong, Cal?" Richard inquires as he comes. "Does this bitch bother you?"

I cross my arms together with a smirk. "Morning, Ric. I'd say you are so cocky but now, you don't have a proper one, right?"

He flushes furiously, taking a breath and bites his bottom lip not to say a word. I throw a laughter at that. "I'm kidding." I say but he knows I'm actually not.

He turns to Cal, ignoring me. "Cal, you didn't answer my call yesterday."

Cal peeks at me. " I was busy. Studying for exams." Ric doesn't know I was there. Uh, weird.

"I was gonna tell you something," Ric answers. "I still need to." He peeks at me nervously. "Let's go."

Then, they leave – Calvin sends me one glance but I ignore it anyway. That Cally Puppy must understand that there is nothing friendship-related stuff between us.

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