Chapter 4 '{It's Time}'

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(Credits to Naomi Lord)

Third POV

Harry woke up and looked around, he was in a unfamiliar place. 'where am I?' Harry thought while still looking around.

"Hello there Little Master, I hope you slept well?" Mortimer Said appearing behind Harry.

Harry jumped at the voice and looked behind him. "Don't scare me like that again Mortim!" Harry said calming down from the shock.

Mortimer chuckled at his shocked expression. "Well, I have talked with the other and they have agreed to send you back to a time of your choice only once." Mortimer Said while smiling softly at him

"That's great, and I want to go back the day I got my letter."
Harry said snapping out of his shock

"Very well, then I'll see you soon Master and please remember some people may remember the future, but those that can help you will remember. Mortimer Said snapping his fingers

Harry vision starts to blacken, and the next thing he knew was that he was in a dark, but familiar place.

'Great, I'm in this f'king cupboard again, I should get out of here as soon as possible. Harry thought while casting a quick tempus to check what time it is.

'4:27, I should have enough time to get some money and take a bath' Harry thought while casting a silent Alohamora at the door, Harry then went to Petunia and Vernon's room while sneaking quietly past them to get petunias bag and collected just enough for some food and clothes.

Harry then apparated to Charing Cross Road, and went in to the leaky cauldron, and hid behind one of the walls quickly glamoured his hair to a dusty blonde with light blue eyes with streaks of emerald green and made himself look Abit older, and then walked up to Tom and asked for a room.

Harry then paid Tom and said he'll eat breakfast when he came back from diagon alley, and then he left.

Harry then left and took of the glamour except the one hiding his scar, then went to Magical Menagerie because he felt a strong pull near the snake section.

§ ssstupid human, try to touch me and I will bite you! § said a beautiful firey coloured snake

§ Hello there would you like to be my familiar? § Harry said in ParselTongue

§ A ssspeaker! Yesss I would love to! § said while leaping to his hand and wrapping itself around it.

§ Great! Pardon me but what isss your name? § Said Harry

§ ssspeaker, my name is Magna and I am a female, if you didn't know. § Said Magna

§ well nice to meet you Magna §

' Wait didn't on the paper said there is a potter mansion, I wonder if there are painting of my parents there? If not then my grandparents maybe? I should visit there later to find out.' Harry thought

' Harry thought

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