➭Chapter 18: As the world caves in

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"And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth runs to the ground
Oh boy, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh, it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves in"

As the World Caves in – Matt Maltese


Their peace came to an end when Doctor Paige appeared through the radio again, advising them to better hurry. Randall had already realized Thomas, and now Olivia, were missing, and they couldn't stay there any longer. They were going to find them if they did.

They jogged through what seemed an unknown building now, lights flickering red, torn rooms, no guards in the zone at all, no scientists either. They had done this, and it was no coming back now. The plan was half of its course.

"Jorge is heading to the hangar, he'll see if he can start one of the Bergs so we can cut paths!" Brenda informed everyone, since she had the communication with the rest of the Safe Haven people.

Thomas was running in the middle of the group, muscles burning with the strain, when suddenly a bolt of electricity grazed the side of his face, and made him double over to press his hands on his ears, trying to stop the ringing that came.

Everyone noticed the sudden attack and searched for a place to hide, Newt went to grab Thomas by the arm and moved him behind column. Thomas silently thanked him for that.

"You okay?" The blond asked worried, checking his face for any injury, spotting a small burn mark on his temple, and brushing his with the pad oh his finger, making him wince at the touch.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" Thomas assured, going for his launcher and already preparing to confront their attackers. The ringing subsiding thankfully. "Are you?" He asked alarmed when he noticed the graze on Newt's right arm.

"I'm okay, it was only the jacket" He answered.

He spied from behind his shoulder, only to spot three WCKD soldiers approaching slowly too the group, cautious. He adjusted the grip to his weapon with a sudden rage cursing in his veins. Oh, he was angry.

He tried to mimic the movement he made previously, and spinned to shoot the guys, who dropped to the ground convulsing and making awful choking sound. He got out of his hiding place to check on them, when he heard another groan behind him, and a fourth guard was already joining his partners but centimeters from him, behind the guard, Brenda was with her launcher, which was escaping smoke from the barrel.

"Thanks" He whispered shocked, as the rest of the group got out from their spots as well.

"Be careful the next time" She smirked and he chuckled rolling his eyes.

"Come one, we gotta keep going"

The rest followed and they continued, only a couple of meters were left. At this point he felt as if his legs were about to buckle at any second, he hated feeling this way. He hated having to depend on a person. God, he was so frustrated.

He shook his thoughts, spotting Newt jogging now on his side, both in the front. Just like the old times. He smiled, and the blond returned back.

"Wait, wait" Frypan alarmed. Everyone stopped on their tracks and frowned in unison. Fry pointed at him, "Thomas, your neck is shining"

Thomas' eyes widened and he led his hand to the lump on the back of his neck.

"Shit, the tracker" He looked at Newt, before kneeling on the floor as the blond approached to take a look at it.

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