Making the call

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Yoohyeon's POV

"I really don't wanna show up at this event alone, I have been embarrassed enough after what that bitch did in front of everyone." I sighed to my best mate Siyeon over a beer,

I had an important work event I had to attend this weekend and for the first time I would need to show up alone after my fiancee broke up with me in front of everyone at my work only two weeks, we were meant to be getting married in three months but instead she decided to leave me for one of the guys at that acted like my friend when really he had been having an affair with my fiancee behind my back for nearly a year.

How did I find out? I got them screwing in his office, how classy uh?
I walked in on them but while I was heartbroken none of them cared.
She and I were together for seven fucking years I gave her everything I treated her like a damn Queen and that was how she repaid me.

Her exact words when I caught them was
"Oh well, atleast you know now and if you haven't worked it out we are done."
that is the words she used smirking as she did And then all hell I broke, loose...her and I got in a shouting match at my work... I ended up punching the guy and everyone seen it happened.

I was lucky I never got my assed fired, only reason never? I am the one that brings most of the money into the company and he was the owners nephew, that was the reason he never got fired.

Now I need to see his smug face every damn day and I knew he would be at this event with her...another reason I cannot show up alone, I would give them more reason to gloat and rub it in my face I honestly never thought she would do something like that to me, I thought we had a great relationship...clearly she never.

"Find a date." Siyeon laughed

"A little short notice don't you think?" I said

"Not if you hire one." She smirked

"What? Hire a date? Where the heck am I meant to do that?" I laughed shaking my head

"I have anumber for an escort service that I have used myself a few times. Very high class and professional...they have every type of girL, just call...tell them what you are looking for and they will find you a match. Though they are a little more expensive than other services but worth it." She said like it was the most normal thing in the world

Maybe for her it was, for other people it was and that is not my place to judge, people can do as they like but it is not something I have ever thought about...paying someone for their services.

"I don't know...not really my sort of thing. I wouldn't even know where to start." I said

"Don't knock it until you try it buddy." Siyeon laughed

"It is easy, call the number, tell them what you are looking for, the sort of even you need them for, the type of girl you want and a meeting place, they do the rest." She smiled

"And if you wanna get laid too after it those woman know what they are doing but that will cost more." She added

''I am not looking to get laid."
I laughed

"Well just use it for a date to the her and him you have moved on and don't care. What is the worst that can happen?" She shrugged

She did have a point, what is the worst that can happen? It is only a date right? No one needs to know right?

"I will think about it..." I said drinking my beer

"OK buddy let me know, I have the number on speed dial." She laughed
"I actually don't but it is in my phone." She added

''I bet it is number one on your list that's where you find all those beautiful woman I see you pay for them to be there." I laughed

"Hey! not always...sometimes yes, just less hassle than trying to meet someone, getting to know them is easier and more commitment needed." She said

Siyeon was a bit of ladiesman, always has been but she is not the type to settle down, prefers being, hanging out and hooking up, she was a but of a charmer.

"Yeah, yeah if you insist..." I laughed

Siyeon and I finished off our drinks, heading out because it was getting late and I needed to work in the morning. I swear if I could afford I would quit entirely but I can't...well not yet, one day though. We said goodbye, both heading our separate ways. By the time I arrived home I had a text from her

Siyeon: In case you decided yes

It read with the number of the agency to call. I laughed, shaking my head and sat the phone aside, not bothering to text her back I had still not decided what was going to or not call? I fought with my own mind, trying to work out what to do.

To be honest I will leaning towards doing it especially if it meant never had to show up alone I reached for my phone, texting Siyeon

Yoohyeon: What do I say when I call? And will I get them on the phone tonight?

Siyeon: Just tell them you are looking to hire one of the girls for the night for a work event, tell them what type you are looking for...including their age. And yes there is a line set up for 24/7, they do phone calls too for lonely men and woman

Yoohyeon: OK I can't believe I am doing this lol

Siyeon: Well it is better than showing up alone especially when you know she will be there with him

Yoohyeon: I guess... I will let you know how I get on

Siyeon: Good luck buddy and don't be ashamed of it, there is nothing wrong with it

I stopped texting, i dialed the number and soon enough someone answered the phone, asking me what sort of service I was looking for and I nearly hung up, getting nervous suddenly...
I can do this, it is only for one date right?

"Hello, I looking to hire one of girls for the night."
I stuttered out

"OK ma'am which service are you looking for and what type of woman?" The woman asked on the other end

"Um just to hire as my date for the night for an important work event...only a date, nothing more. As for the type what do you suggest? Do you have someone in mind who would be best for this service... I need to be able to do polite and classy, not that I am saying you girls aren't classy." I said not wanting to offend anyone I heard the woman giggle on the other end

"First time using this sort of service?" She laughed

"Yes....that's obvious?" I laughed
"It was a friend I got the number from." I added

"Very obvious... I have the perfect girl for you, we call her JiU, and she is the best at what she does...she is twenty-six, that age OK?" She asked

"Yes that is fine..." I replied

We arranged where she would meet me, how long I needed her for and how much it would cost... ₩3,000,000 for seven hours, Siyeon did mention it was a high class agency.

Money is not an issue for me, as long as she can be what I need her to be for one night, the money will be worth it. I paid half the fee on the phone...the other half I pay on the night. The woman on the other end who told me to call her Minnie was a great help, made me understand how it all works better.

It is only for one night, surely nothing can go wrong.

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