Date night

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Minji's POV

I was on my way over to Yoohyeon's, excited to see her again even though she only left about five hours ago.
I was still nervous about her and me, those thoughts still in the back of my head but I was trying to keep them at bay or I would end up ruining everything.

I text her to let her know I was on my way. She told me to walk straight in and I would find her in the kitchen.
I had my overnight bag with me cause apparently I was staying the night,
she would drop me off at College in the morning before going to work.

"Hey Yoohyeon I am here."I called out

"Hey babe, just come straight through." She called back

I made my way through her house, heading to her kitchen where she was in the middle of cooking us dinner and it smelt really good.

"Something smells good." I smiled

"Creamy garlic and mushroom chicken with seasoned potatoes and veg." she smiled

"Fancy..."I gigled

"No but it honestly smells amazing."
I added

She motioned me to come over to her. I sat my things down, making my way over and as soon as was close enough she reached in kissing me, smiling against my lips and I done the same thing.

"Try this..." She said once we pulled apart "Let me know if you think it needs any more seasoning." She added

She grabbed the spoon, putting it into the pan and putting a little sauce on it, letting me try it. I groaned as I tasted, it tasted good.

"How is it? Does it need anything else?" She asked

"No, it is perfect the way it is."I smiled

She smiled gratefully at me before getting back to dinner, stealing a couple of kisses in between. I offered my help to her but she told me no, I was her guest.

"Can I at least set the table? I don't like standing around doing nothing."
I laughed

"I am sure I can let you do that...' she laughed "Dinner won't be long." She added

She told me where everything was and I sat the table for us, grabbing two glasses and pouring us both a glass of wine.

As I finished up, dinner was ready. I couldn't wait to taste it, it smelt and look so good. Yoohyeon made us both a plate up before she joined me at the table.

"Thank you for making me dinner." I smiled

"It is my pleasure, don't thank me though until after you tried it." She laughed

I took the first bite and as I soon as it touched my taste buds I groaned loudly. It tastes as good as it looked.

"This is amazing Yoohyeon, it just sort of melts in the mouth." I said

"I am happy you like it gorgeous."
She said winking at me

A comfortable silence fell between as we ate dinner and drank our wine. I was enjoying the food on my plate too much to actually talk, that is how good it was. We would have plenty of time later for talking.


"Where did you learn to cook like that?" I asked as we were cuddled up on her sofa

"My grandmother, she was an amazing cook." Se smiled

"Is she still around?" I asked

"Yes she is...seventy-five years old and still going strong, she could give me a run for my money." She laughed

"But she is the sweetest woman in the entire world." She added gushing over her.

I wish had family to gush over but never even had a chance to meet my grandparents, my parents made sure of that, I don't even know their names, maybe one day I should do some research and find out if I have any family out there.

"That is amazing..." I smiled

I got Yoohyeon to tell me about her family because I realized I don't know that much about them, only little things but I wanted to get know more about her.

I sat listening to her as she chatted happily about them, you could tell she really loved them.

" I hope one day will have my own family, a family full of love and being there for each other." I said

"And I am sure you will have." She smiled stroking my hair
"You deserve the world after what you have been through." She added

"I hope so..."I said leaning up close enough to reach her lips with mine.

"You will have." She said

I liked her hope and enthusiasm, I just wish I had the same amount as her. I smiled at her gratefully, kissing her before snuggling back into her,

watching the movie and eating my ice cream, well sharing it with Yoohyeon. I had enjoyed my date night with her. This is the sort of date I am not used to, well considering how my others dates are, though they aren't dates...that is work so it is nice to have an actual.

A date with someone that cares about me...someone that never paid for my time.

I wish I could stop the work Ido and just have nights like this one all the time but until school is done and I have a job I need to keep doing it.

I really hope my job doesn't get in the way of Yoohyeon and I, but I had a gut feeling telling me it was gonna get in the way...eventually. I know I couldn't be OK with all this if it was the other way about.

I pushed all those thoughts to the back of my head not wanting it to ruin our night.

"Minji are you OK Angel, you got lost there for a minute." Yoohyeon asked

"Yes am OK."I smiled
"Just getting tired."I added

"How about we head to bed then." She smiled

"I like the sound of that."I said kissing her

"But there is something I want before we go to sleep." I mumbled against hee lips.

"And what would that be?" She smirked

"You." I purred kissing her a little harder

Yoohyeon liked the sound of that idea, thought she would got up from her sofa, Yoohyeon following my lead. We got cleaned up a little before head through to hee bedroom.

I was going to get my nightwear on but then realized there was no point because they wouldn't be on for long. Instead stripped down, climbing under the covers, Yoohyeon quick to rid herself of her own clothes before joining me.

Our lips connected quickly and our bodies too. We had hot, amazing sex and got cleaned up before settling ourselves down for the night.

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