No sleep

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Yoohyeon's POV

"Would you look at that, the sun is coming up?" I laughed

Yes the other hour she said she would stay turned into so much longer.
We had spent the time talking and laughing, neither of us getting any sleep but never mind, it has been amazing spending all this time with her.

"I can't believe we have been up all night." JiU giggled

"I know but I have enjoyed it."I smiled

"Me too..." she said smiling back at me

"Enjoyed it enough to tell me your actual name?" I laughed pushing my luck

She has still not told me her actual name but I understand why, I never pushed her too much, well maybe I tried to get it out of her once or twice, even tried to tickle it out of her but she never budged so gave in.

"Nice try but still no." she laughed

"Can't blame me for trying now, can you." I smirked

JiU rolled her eyes at me, pushing my chest playfully and I laughed, wrapping my arm around her, kissing the top of her head.

"I should really get home..." she said looking up at me

"Or you can stay here and I can order us breakfast then I can drop you off home?" I suggested, hoping she would say yes

I watch her as she wrinkles her nose, something I have come to learn that she does when she is thinking about things I waited patiently for her answer

"I am sure that would be OK, I haven't ate since lunch time yesterday." She said

"Well then we better order plenty of food to make sure you go home with a full stomach." I smiled

I reached over, grabbing the menu and passing it to her
"Choose what you treat."
I smiled

We both took a look through the menu, ordering pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, coffee and apple juice...yes a little too much but I am sure between us we can eat it all...hopefully.

Plus it would give me some more time with her because I had a feeling once I dropped her off home that would be the last time I see her and that thought disappointed me.

I was gonna steal as much time with her as I could because I have become very fond of her since we met.


"I should really go now before you find another excuse to keep me around." JiU laughed

"Damn it, there was me just trying to think of excuses to keep you longer."
I laughed

"Not happening I really need to get home, I have studying need to do for classes tomorrow and I am working tonight too." She said

When she said that she was working tonight I felt the pit of my stomach tighten... I was jealous that she would be with another? Surely not, I don't have the right to be, she isn't mine...she never will be either know that.

"OK well we better go then."I said trying to hide the disappointment from my voice

I grabbed a quick shower, getting some clean clothes on, giving JiU a hoodie to put on before we headed down, me checking out because I was heading back to my own house now, only here for one night with the event.

"What is your address?" I asked needing to put it into the satnav to know where I was going

She gave me her address and to my surprise she never stayed that far away from me, maybe ten minutes which I found sort of strange to be honest.

"That is close to where I stay.."I smiled

"It is?" She asked surprised
I told her where my house was

"You live in the fancy part of town then uh?" she giggled

"It isn't that fancy..."I laughed

"Yeah sure it isn't..." she said rolling her eyes at me

I switched the radio on as we drove, a comfortable silence filling the car.
I was getting lost in my own head, hating that I wasn't going to see her again.

I sighed as I pulled up outside of her house, turning the car off and turning to face her I decided I was gonna take a chance even though I know how it is going to go but I gotta try

"Is there any chance of me seeing you again?" I asked softly

"Honestly Yoohyeon that isn't a good much as I have enjoyed my time with you I have a rule, I already broke a rule by spending the night with you...but I can't break the rule of seeing someone that I met through work... I am sorry." She said

I sadly felt like I just got punched on the stomach when those words came from her lips but I know I shouldn't feel that way because I knew that would have been her answer

"OK." I said sadly turning away from her

Next thing I feel her placing her finger on my chin, making me look at her...she was closer to me than what she was close enough, I could feel her warm breath fanning in my face, that was enough to make me swallow hard

"I am sorry. If we met another way then it would be different but we met because you paid for me and it would not feel right if anything was to happen." She said sadly

"I know... I get it." I said sadly

Her next move took me by surprise, she leant in closer, her lips only an inch away from mine

"Kiss me...just one kiss." She breathed out

I don't know if this was such a good idea but it was something I wanted to do badly. I closed the small space between our lips, pressing my lips softly against hers,

JiU whimpering as soon as our lips touched I slipped my fingers into her hair, pressing my lips harder to hers, wanting to feel it enough, making sure I remember it. It lasted only a few moments before she pulled away quickly

"Goodbye was good to meet you." She smiled before climbing out of my car

"Goodbye JiU. I really hope our paths cross again." I said sadly

"You never know..." she smiled, heading into her house

Before she did, she turned to me
"It is name." she smiled before heading inside

Minji.. I like that name, she suits that name. I watch as she disappeared inside...disappearing out of my life for probably good.

Why did I need to meet her this way? Why couldn't we have met in a bar? At a coffee shop?
Somewhere else...
Why did I have to meet her because I paid to meet her?

I sighed, slapping my hand against the steering wheel.
Fuck! I finally headed off, heading home...

JiU playing on my mind as did...
I needed to see her again but how?

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