Just friends

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Minji's POV

I had been lying in my bed, debating with myself for the last hour if should text Yoohyeon or not.

It had been a bad night and I wanted to talk to her at the same time though I was not sure it was such a good idea. I couldn't believe when I seen her sitting in the restaurant where I was, she was the last person I expected to see.

It felt like some cruel joke since I have been trying my best the last few days to not even think about her then there she was.

Suddenly my phone beeped, telling me I had a text message, looking at the screen I sighed...
Yoohyeon! Really? I hesitated, thinking about deleting it without reading or leave it to the morning,
in the end I opened it.

Yoohyeon: I just wanted to make sure you were OK after that perv you were with earlier? I know you don't know if even just talking is a good idea but please at least let me know you are OK

I smiled a little, appreciating her concern. The least I could do was let her know I was OK.

Minji: Yes I am fine, I can handle guys like him. Thank you for checking in 

Yoohyeon: That doesn't matter if you can handle guys like him, they shouldn't be doing that. I will always check you

Minji: It comes with the job. Thank you. Just heading to bed, been a long night

Yoohyeon: I know, that still don't make it right. Ok rest well, hopefully I will hear from you soon

Minji: Goodnight Yoohyeon

Yoohyeon: You know where I am if you need me. Goodnight beautiful

I sat my phone aside, sighing again and tried my best to sleep but I couldn't, spent hours tossing and turning, giving in and getting back up. No point in lying in bed if I can't sleep.

I decided to get some course work done while I was awake, my mind worked better at early hours in the morning for some strange reason. I managed to get some work done but Yoohyeon was playing firmly on my mind.

I wish I never ran in to her tonight but it was good to see her again, even only for a few minutes.

Four A.M. came around and I climbed back into bed, finally getting to sleep. I was glad I had a free day tomorrow cause I would end up sleeping until the afternoon.


Just as thought I slept until noon, feeling better after last night.
I decided I would go out for a walk, go for lunch and grab a coffee, I don't mind doing that alone

I decided to take a book with me to read while enjoyed some alone time. I will headed to my favourite café, it done the best breakfasts, lunches and coffee, everyone was so nice.

I got myself a quick shower, pulling on jeans and a hoodie, grabbing a book from my collections, heading out.

The café was only a short walk from my house and it was a nice day which made it even better I arrived getting my favourite seat up the back away from everyone else I preferred it that way.

"Good afternoon sweetie, we haven't seen you in a few days, are you OK?" The waitress Jo asked

"Afternoon. Yes I am fine, just been really busy. How are you?" I smiled

"Good as long as you are OK. I am fine thanks for asking. Just the usual?" She smiled

"Yes please." I said

We chatted for a few minutes before she headed off to my coffee and Feta salad I made myself comfortable and starting my book, my order soon coming I thanked Jo before she left me to it.

I sat my book aside only until ate my food I found myself getting lost in my own head once again, thinking about Yoohyeon and then done something I was not sure that I should be doing.

I grabbed my phone, calling her. Having coffee together couldn't do any harm right? Maybe we can try the full friend thing? We can try.

The phone only rang a couple of times before she answered.
"Hello beautiful, this is a nice surprise." She said

"Hey, I know...you don't mind do you?" I said

"Of course now, are you OK?" she said

"Yes, just out for lunch...alone and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come meet me for a coffee?" I said
"I would like us to try being friends."
I added

"Yes coffee sounds good, just text me where you are." She said

"I don't know if I can just be friends with you Minji, but I am willing to try if it means get to see you." She added

"All we can do is try..." I said

We chatted for a few minutes before we said our goodbyes I text her where I was, Yoohyeon telling me she would be with me soon I understood her saying she doesn't know if we can be friends, I was really hoping we could at least try.

I ordered myself a cup of tea, trying to calm my nerves down for her getting here. I hear the door open, making me look up and there she was. She looked very beautiful in her jeans and top.

My heart leapt in my chest for a second before I stood up so she could see me. She smiled widely when she seen me and I found myself doing the same back. She made her way over to me and as I soon as she was close enough she pulled me in against her chest, hugging me.

"Hello beautiful." She whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my back

"Hey, thanks for coming." I smiled hugging her back

''I am glad you called." She said as we pulled apart

She let me sit down first before sitting across from me. Jo came over, smirking at me when she seen Yoohyeon I rolled my eyes, laughing at her and she took her order for her.
When we were alone again she turned to me...

"It is good to see you I meant what I said last night, I miss you." She said reaching over placing her hand over mine, then I quickly pulled away

"Sorry...we are trying to be friends." She said

"I am not going to lie, I have been missing you too." I said honestly

"But as I said I want us to try just being friends OK? I am not saying that I couldn't change somewhere down the line but for now that is all I am ready for." I added

"I can do that if it means I get to talk to you...to see you." She smiled

"Thank you, it is for the best right now." I smiled

She nodded and smiled, thought I could see disappointment in her eyes too but she never said anything which I appreciated it.

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