Escort meet the ex

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Yoohyeon's POV

I froze as we approached the door that led into the ball room. I don't think I was ready for this, it would be the first time I have seen her since I found out what was going on.

"You OK?" JiU asked

"No...I don't think I can do this." I said

"Yes you can...come on." she said flashing a smile at me

"Take a few deep breath." She added

I did as she suggested, JiU grabbed my arm, wrapping it around her waist

"You got this." She smiled, I nodded,

the two of us heading in and as soon as we did eyes were on us...well more on me anyway I wish they would all get over it, they have seen me nearly every day at work since I think they have had enough time to get over it.

"Ignore the prying eyes."
JiU whispered

"'I will try, I need a drink." I said

I led us over to the open bar, ordering us both a Scotch, before decided to go mingle, only with certain people I could feel people looking at us, wondering who the beautiful woman I had on my waist was... Only if they knew the truth I am sure they would be doing more than looking.

"And who is this?" my work mate Dami said, one of the very few who never judged me

"Hey I am JiU...Yoohyeon's date."
JiU said smiling at her

"It is nice to meet you JiU... I am Dami." She smiled shaking her hand

I ignored everyone else around us, talking to Dami, JiU chatting away too...suddenly she stopped talking, looking behind me, before looking back at me with a concerned look on her face.

I slightly turned my head and I realized what was wrong... her...her being my ex Jane and Jun my so called mate.

I froze on the spot and I couldn't take my eyes away from her, she looked as beautiful as ever, I though the dress she has choose was not for this sort of event...short and tight, she never dressed like that when she came to these things with me but she wasn't caring, she walked in with confidence, 's hand firmly wrapped around her waist...looking confident and proud.

"Is that her?" JiU whispered

"Yes." I breathed out wanted to stop looking but I couldn't, she must have felt me looking because she turned to me, her eyes meeting mine and a smirk appeared on her face.

I don't understand why she is being such a bitch, I done nothing wrong...
it was her.

Jun turned to me doing a smug look on his face and my entire body tensed, my fists clenching at my side...
I wanted badly to go over and punch him...again smug son-of-a-fucking-bitch.

"Don' isn't worth it Yoohyeon." JiU's soft voice said grabbing my hand

I eventually pulled my eyes away from them, putting my attention on JiU

"Just ignore them, I know that is easier than that but that is what they want...they want a rise out of you, don't give them it." She said

I couldn't believe how sweet and nice she was being, then again I was paying her maybe that is why, though something inside told me it was more than that, it was the kind of person she was I nodded, the two of us turning back to Dami

"You OK buddy, I know it has only been a couple of weeks." She said

"The wound still fresh but I will get there, I am not letting them ruin anything for me." I said

"That is the spirit, plus mate you have the most beautiful, sexy date in here." She said winking, nodding at JiU

JiU giggled and blushed a little, making me chuckle. That would make things easier if she was actually my real date and I never paid for her services

"That do..."I smiled playing along tried ignoring the fact that they were here,

I just talking and laughing with JiU and Dami but that was hard to do when suddenly I heard behind me

"I didn't think you would show your face here." Jane voice said

I felt myself tense once again, taking a few deep breaths before turning to face her, I can't let her see how much she is getting to me

"It is my work event...why I wouldn't be here?" I said

"I think you know why." She said

"I would be affronted to show my face after what happened and showing up alone for the first time in years." She added

After what happened?
She is the one that caused all the drama, maybe she should have stayed at home. Alone? It is clear I am not alone but as soon as she spoke those words JiU turned around

"Does it look like she is alone?"
She said

"Who the fuckk are you?" she hissed eyeing JiU up and down

"JiU...Yoohyeon's date and you are?"
JiU said playing dumb like she never knew who she was

Jane turned to me, glaring when she said that "I am sure she has told you all about me." Jane huffed out, growling at JiU

" clue who you are...sorry, you couldn't be that important." JiU shrugged

JiU saying that made Jane even madder and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Not important? I was engaged to her!" She snapped

Why was this bothering her as much? She seemed pissed off and jealous and Jun just stood there, not seeming fazed by the conversation at all

"Oh wait... I know who you are now." JiU said, Jane starting to smirk

"You are the bitch that broke her heart? The one who never deserves her in the first place...yes I know who you are, I think she mentioned you maybe once but not since...she has been preoccupied if you know what I mean?" JiU added smirking at the last part, running her hand over my chest, looking at me winking

The woman was good...real good. Jane's entire face dropped when JiU said that

"Whatever! She will get bored of you soon enough." She hissed before storming off

JiU and we looked at each other and burst out laughing

"Thank you for that, you never had to." I smiled

"I know but she needed to be knocked down a peg or two, I don't think she will be bothering us again tonight so will you please relax and try to enjoy the night?" She said batting her lashes at me

"Yes I am sure I can do that... I think you deserve another drink after that." I smiled

JiU and I headed back over to the bar, excusing ourselves from Dami who was talking to someone else anyway and headed over to the bar, getting another drink.

Jane glaring at us the whole time.

I smirked, slipping my arm around JiU's waist and she happily let me

"I think you being here is going to make this night a lot easier for me." I smiled

''I am glad my buddy gave me the number." I added

"That is what I am here for." She said smiling brightly at me

Wow! She really was breathtakingly beautiful but I need to stop thinking that way, she is only here for one night...she was only here because I paid her to be here.

I may as well enjoy the time I have with her.

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