7 <3

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Song: 'Beggin' by Måneskin

Theo was leant up against the wall of the castle with some of the Durmstrang players that were soon to head down to the quidditch pitch. Him, Draco, Blaise and Pansy had come to wait for Tilly to give her a little pre-game good luck.

"How are we all on this fine day?" Enzo beamed with his arms stretched out wide as him and Mattheo practically skipped their way over to them. They were each holding a sign with giant colourful letters spelling 'SMASH IT BUCKLING' and 'WE <3 BUCKLING'.

"Doing well, I see you're supporting our lovely lady today" Draco raised an eyebrow at their giant signs.

"Of bloody course we are" Mattheo grinned.

"What about Kittie?" Pansy asked him.

Mattheo pulled out a sign with 'I LOVE YOU KITTIE DARLING!' From behind the colourful banner-shaped one for Tilly. Kitty was a beater like Mattheo, and that girl could hit a bludger further than him.

"You think you're gonna win this one?" Draco asked one of the Durmstrang boys.

"Fuck yeah" Damien Scott, team captain scoffed, he played in the A team. He was a tall guy, muscly and quite good-looking, if it weren't for his piggishly sexist personality he might actually be able to pull a girl.

"How come?" Blaise asked from beside Theo.

"I mean look at them, they're girls." Another player nodded his head where the ISQ girls were walking out of their teepees in their kit.

"You're kidding right?" Enzo snickered.

"No, why would I be? We're a lot stronger and better built, there is no way a bunch of girls are beating us. Dumb of your school to put your whole A team full of girls" he grimaced.

"So because they're girls it means they have no chance at beating you? They're weaker? Less skilled?" Mattheo's brows furrowed.

Pansy was about to rip out the boys throat before he stepped in, she was internally grateful for his challenging of this dense twat.

"Precisely" another pitched in.

Theo always hated how even in their younger years of Hogwarts Tilly had been teased about being a girl and playing quidditch. By third year she was at the same level as the sixth year boys, at that point they did it because they were jealous. It only got worse when it got to fourth year. She'd grown up with her father heavily pushing her to learn quidditch and she was a very skilled player much like him.

"That's ridiculous" Enzo howled with laughter.

"There's Tilly!" Pansy squealed.

"Especially that one" Damien sneered "Who does she think she is? Walking around in that skimpy little skort, merely a distraction if you ask me. I'm going to have trouble focussing on the game with her arse plastered-"

"Shut the fuck up Scott" Theo's fists balled up and his nostrils flared. Damien Scott was the exact type of person he absolutely despised.

"Has Buckling got herself a boyfriend?" Damien taunted Theo, Draco and Blaise had to pull Theo back from launching himself at Damien while they all sauntered over towards Tilly who was getting her things together outside her teepee.

"Watch your mouth Scott" Mattheo barged past him with a hard thud causing him to slightly stumble forward.

"She'll squish you like a bug" Enzo chuckled as he jogged after Mattheo.


After a rather aggressive pep-talk and screaming the lyrics to hype songs, the girls all filed out of the changing room. Tilly was the last to leave, she closed the door behind her with her broom leant up against the wall beside it. She turned around to come face to face with a chest, she immediately recognised who it was.

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