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Song- 'Somebody New' by Sophia James

The night flew by, hours of dancing, card games, drinking and singing. Tilly had surely wished for this. Leaving in fourth year meant that she missed when their year group actually got invited to parties. Fourth year they usually just slept round everyone's dorm rooms and got shit-faced from a single bottle of fire whiskey. Times had changed.

She now found herself wandering the grounds of Hogwarts, she had drank way too much but this night was for celebrations anyways. She had lost Theo in the crowds of the common room and decided it was fitting for some fresh air. It had gotten to the point where she needed some alone time. Sometimes she felt lonely even in a crowd of people, but the one place she didn't feel lonely was with him.

He had this mind-boggling talent of being able to make her feel like the only girl in the world. He may be cheeky at times, but she wouldn't change that for anything.

So as she stumbled outside, her mind wondered to him. She thought about what his evening was like and if he'd enjoyed it as much as she had. Theo kept her with him at all times and even waited outside Pansy's dorm bathroom door when she needed the loo. She was always under his watchful eye yet somehow it wasn't suffocating. He gave her that sense of safety and belonging, he cared for her.

She plopped down under the tree that rest at the black lake. The pulsing music could no longer be heard, it was just her and her thoughts. Alone time was a very important thing to Tilly, as much as she loved to spent time with the people close to her, she needed independent tranquility too. It was all about the balance, the need to socialise with those she loved and the need to ponder her thoughts alone.

There's a difference between being alone and feeling alone. She hated feeling alone. But being alone allowed her to take a breather and sometimes ask herself what the fuck she's doing with her life. Tilly believed that everyone should have that alone time, it helps you find out who you are. Even if you're bored, being bored allows you to discover what you love. Whether it's drawing or skipping rope, being alone opens up the thoughts of what you really want to do.

She didn't have to fake a smile or laugh at a cheesy joke, she could slump her shoulders and furrow her eyebrows. Sometimes she talked to herself too, she'd been told that apparently it actually makes a person more intelligent if they talk to themselves. But that didn't matter, she enjoyed her own company. Tilly didn't quite understand those that always needed to be around others, her brain couldn't quite comprehend how one was supposed to spend every living minute with company.

The only person she had thought about spending these moments with was Theo.

She leant against the trunk of the giant oak, it had not yet lost all its leaves but a few amber ones had fallen already. The beauty of autumn was approaching and she really regretted not bringing a jacket. Shivering slightly she tipped her head back and stared up at the shining moon. It was peaceful, just her, the rippling of the water and the rustling of the branches in the evening breeze.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been there before she heard someone's footsteps in the grass. They were quite heavy and travelling at a reasonably fast pace. She huddled her legs up into her chest and wrapped her arms around them in an attempt to gather some warmth and possibly hide herself from whoever was approaching. It could be a teacher, a student from a visiting school, one of her teammates.

"Is that you my love?" A deep voice sounded, the tension in her shoulders immediately eased at the also slightly slurred words of just the person she needed.

"Hi Nott" she smiled and peeked round the tree trunk, some of her blonde locks splaying across her face.

"Hi you" he grinned widely and jogged the remaining distance to reach her. Even drunk he still saw how she appeared to be getting chilly.

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