Catra calls the princesses out on their bs

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Tw: mention of shadow Weaver and child abuse and war crimes and lots of angst and anger

No one saw it coming. Not even Catra had expected herself to respond. To set the scene, it was a few months after the end of the war. The Alliance were in the meeting room, discussing the plans for the next week. Rebuilding had come a long way, but still had so much to go.

It had been a stressful time, dealing with the aftermath of Prime, now that they had time to sit and think about it all. Catra had been busy most of the time. If she wasn't helping with construction, she was helping with the planning. It was her punishment, given by Brightmoon's high counsel. Catra had fully expected to be executed instead, but had dove head-first into the given task. She was usually too exhausted or focused to even notice any glares or insults thrown her way.

She was glad to have Melog by her side. Adora was usually elsewhere during the day, using She-ra for heavy-lifting. The new couple hardly saw each other other than during breaks, or during the morning and nighttime. Catra cherished the moments she and Adora got to themselves.

Ever since the end of the war, Adora and Catra had many talks. They talked about everything. They talked about Adora leaving and how it made Catra feel. They talked about the abuse they'd both suffered without the other's knowledge. Catra even talked about the portal incident and what led up to her making that decision. Catra was made aware of what happened with Queen Angela. Catra hadn't taken it well and had desperately needed her therapist that was assigned to her shortly after the war. Therapy was helpful but difficult most days. Catra was still getting used to talking about her past and was still clamming up with self-hatred and shame. She still couldn't look Glimmer in the eyes. She could hardly look anyone, but Adora, in the eyes after the war.

Catra was currently sitting in her chair. She felt small, compared to the throne-like chairs in the palace. She was sitting between Adora and Scorpia. Glimmer was at the head of the table, leading the discussion.

"And if we can finish up rebuilding the housing, we'll be finished with this section of Etheria by next week. We'll need She-ra since there's a ton of metal still needed."

Catra was holding Adora's hand under the table.

"And also, it would be nice for the people to see She-ra so they could talk to her. She-ra gives people hope." Perfuma suggested.

Catra raised a brow.

"You mean Adora." She corrected, gaining the attention of the room.

"She-ra's the one everyone will be waiting to see and thank." Glimmer explained.

Catra crossed her arms, staring Glimmer in the eyes, almost glaring at her.

"It's still Adora. Just bigger. She-ra is the title, but she's still Adora."

Catra spoke with a pinch of venom. She could feel herself getting irritated already. She'd always hated when they didn't give Adora enough credit for doing things in her glowing giant form. It was an issue Catra was not going to leave unaddressed.

Adora squeezed Catra's hand.

"It's fine, kitty." She said, though Catra could hear the resignation in her voice.

Adora was too nice to speak up about her feelings, but Catra wouldn't let her this time.
Catra looked at her girlfriend, that familiar fire in her eyes she had whenever she was set on something.

"No, it's not fine, Adora. She-ra is you and you are She-ra. Everything She-ra does, is you. They need to acknowledge that."

Catra then turned to Glimmer.

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