Ch. 21: A Rival Plan

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"Why did you want to meet up with us?," Lena asked.
"We have a vampire siren problem back in Forks," Angela whispered.
"A what?," Lena asked.
"There's a half vampire and a half siren who's basically taking over Forks," Angela explained.
"And?," Ridley asked.
"He's using his powers to control the weather and people are usually ending up dead because of it," Angela explained further.
"Is he mind controlling? Or sneaking his way into dreams?," Lena asked.
"Yes," I blurted.
"Sounds like the Greek version of a siren," Lena said.
"Is that good?," Angela asked.
"Sometimes, they are harder to compete with," Lena replied.
"Excuse me? Like that's going to stop me," Ridley said with a smirk.
"You're also forgetting that she said he is also half-vampire," Lena said. 

Ridley looked over at her cousin and smirked a little. Bella was confused what the smirk had meant. The one named Lena clearly knew what the smirk had meant and shook her head. Ridley smiled at Angela. Soon, the four of them walked back to their cars and the cousins followed them into Forks.

Ridley had mind controlled someone to hand over their house as a hideout for Lena and her. They hid inside the house that was across from Bella's. Bella wasn't allowed to leave the house until Angela came to the house. Bella felt like a prisoner inside of the house and didn't want to be in there anymore. 

Charlie came home soon after and sat down on the couch. She started the dinner for tonight as she could hear Charlie turning on the baseball game. She sat on the couch and looked out the window several times. Bella looked at her and tried to make some conversation with her father.

" How was work?," she asked.

" It was a mess," he replied.

" What happened?," she asked.

" There were more murders today," he answered.

" How many?," she asked. 

" Four," he said.

"Four murders?," Bella asked curiously.

Bella started to wonder if it was Cassius killing of these people in his own strength or was he getting some help from someone. She remembered last time she saw Edward - - he was hostile and his eyes weren't the usual color like they usually are. The last time that she had seen his eyes - they looked almost blood red. Bella believed that now Edward killing the people too...

. . .

During the night, Bella was trying as hard as she can to understand sports but she couldn't understand any of it. She eventually went to bed and read her new book from Renee. She listened carefully outside and heard the song to appear, again. She looked outside and saw the first wave of fog coming into Forks. She looked over at the Duchannes's little lair and saw Ridley come out. 

She watched Lena also come out of the house after her cousin. They both walked into the direction of where the fog was coming from. Bella decided it was a good idea and escaped out of the house. She put a jacket on and also walked into the fog's coming direction. She couldn't see where she was going and tripping over her every branch. 

Bella turned the corner against an old tree and smacked herself into someone. She saw that the person she hit was Lena and Lena looked frightened, but not by Bella. She had fear in her eyes and her hair was starting to stick to her face due to the fog. Lena's old converse were covered in mud and her jeans looked freshly ripped at the knee. 

" Lena, something wrong?," Bella asked.

" Do you know where Rid is?," she asked.

" No, weren't you just with her?," Bella asked.

" Yes, but then she heard something and ran off. Now I can't find her in this fog," Lena said. 

" She ran off?," Bella asked.

" Yes," Lena said impatiently.

" Let's look together then," Bella said. 

" No offense but I think you would have her killed in a heartbeat, Bells," a familiar male voice said. 

Lena turned around and Bella saw a man. The man was Edward and he didn't look the same. He looked the Volturi with his bright red eyes and his hair was a few shades darker. He wore longer and darker clothing than he usually did. 

" Edward . . .?," Bella asked.

" The only and one," he sneered.

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