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never in a million years did murdoc think he would wind up here.

stripclubs aren't really his thing.

the only reason he's at one is because ace
had recommended it to him.

it's not like he had any other way to spend his friday night.

he tossed his cigarette to the ground
and exhaled the last of the smoke that filled
his lungs, briefly looking up at the neon sign that hung over the entrance.

'andromeda' it read.

he stood outside for a few minutes as he
was hesitant to go inside, but he eventually plucked up the courage to make his way through.

he entered a corridor with only the dim purple hue of light guiding his way.

as he stepped further into the place he
could hear music increasing in volume. he
was a little on edge but it was nothing a drink wouldn't solve.

maybe two.

he had finally reached the main room and it was exactly like he expected it to be. a little nicer actually.

the lights were soft and the decor was quite classy. there were chairs planted around the main stage with desperate, sex-hungry men in their seats.

but if murdoc takes a seat in one of those chairs wouldn't that make him the same as those men?

surely not.

he's not desperate...just lonely. why else would he be there?

maybe coming here was a mistake. he feels out of place. it's not right.

murdoc was torn from his thoughts when a feminine voice spoke to him.

"lookin' for a dance sugar?".

this woman was tall, slim, very attractive.
she had a dark complexion and prominent cheekbones. her kinky afro was definitely her most distinctive feature.

although she had warm comforting eyes and a voice like honey he had to pass.

"uh, I was just leavin" he said, abruptly walking away.

murdoc made his way out of there, going back the way he came.

how foolish of him to end up in this situation.

embarrassed doesn't even begin to describe the way he's feeling, but it's deserved nonetheless.

as he approached the exit he noticed something just beside it. a doorway with a bouncer guarding it's path.

were they there before?

the flashing sign above caught murdocs' attention.

'boys! boys! boys!'

ace didn't mention this part of the club.

murdocs' curiosity got the best of him, as he continued to glare up at the sign.

"the ladies not doing anything for ya?" asked the bouncer.

nosy prick.

murdoc stared him up and down "what's it to you?".

the security guard let out a lighthearted chuckle.

"nothin' . just seems like this would be more down your alley" he motioned in the direction behind him.

"what's exactly through there?" murdoc thought out loud.

"why don't you go in and see for yaself mate" the bouncer unclipped the stanchion rope from the post and stood aside.

"cheers" the raven haired man thanked and went ahead.

he pushed past the curtain that separated him from what he lusted.

what he was presented with felt familar. the place had a similar interior to where he was previous.

as he adjusted to his surroundings he was welcomed by the mean mug of another one
of the bouncers.

massive fella he was.

"alrite mate" murdoc gave him a nod.

the bouncer growled intimidatingly in response.

what a way to treat a guest.

before murdocs' brain had time to plan his next move, his legs were already walking over to the bar.

"can i get a whiskey. neat".

"no problem" the bartender replied.

it wasn't long before his drink was set out on the counter. he picked it up and went to go find someplace to sit.

he chose a quiet spot in the back corner. it's not like he wanted any attention.

"everyone give it up for lucien loose!".

looks like murdoc made it in time for a new performance. he watched as the current performer collected the last of his tips from the audience. he soon disappeared offstage.

as he waited, murdoc took a sip of his drink.
he winced slightly as the hot tasting liquid burned his throat.

"now it's time for the person you've all been waiting for..andromeda's finest! feast your eyes on 2d!!".

murdoc was expecting to see some middle aged
man wearing a tacky cowboy costume come on stage.

boy was he wrong..

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